~ Chapter 19~

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Autumn's POV

"5,6,7,8" Madame Robinson shouted. I followed the steps on my routine. Letting the music flow through me. I chassed into a split leaped which I linked into a free cartwheel. I was counting the eights showing as much emotion as Madame Robinson had told me before this run through.

As the music faded I slowly faded with it, gracefully crumpled to the floor to finish with my head between my knees. When a dance ends Madame Robinson always taught us to stay still for one more count of eight before getting up and leaving stage. As I sat there counting to eight, I could hear my heart beat growing louder in my ears. I ignored it. I stood up and my whole world started spinning. Madame Robinson's voice seemed so far away I could barely here it. Yet I ignored it. I took a step forward and suddenly my whole world lurched and I stumbled forward.

"Autumn Autumn are you okay?" I heard more than one voice cry out. They seemed closer than before but still distant.

"Yeah yeah, I just felt a bit dizzy for a minute" I lied even my voice felt detached from me. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out, slowly the world stopped spinning and my heartbeat returned to my chest. " I think it's because I haven't had much to eat today" I lied once again. I had eaten alot today.

"Okay, I'm going to send you home early Autumn. Go get some food and have a good nap. Your fine for Saturday's show and we've already done the group performance today" Madame Robinson stated. I nodded and walked back to Bella and my stuff.

Which I packed up before giving Bella a hug and leaving. I wasn't about to go home and have the boys high energy attitudes and questions why I left early. My pounding head wouldn't be able to deal with that. Instead I started walking home. Home to Scott's.

As I walked my mind was racing with reasons and ideas of what could have happened back there. It wasn't as if it hadn't happened before but this was worse. Before it had been when I stood up I was dizzy for a second but everyone gets that. And although I knew me and Corbyn hadn't done anything it still played in the back of my mind although I dismissed it, that I was pregnant. It couldn't be possible but that wouldn't stop my worries.

Scott's POV

I was lying on my bed, scrolling through Instagram when there was a knock on the door. I wasnt expecting anything. I opened the door to reveal my sister. Why she was here, I had no idea. She looked flustered and scare and was in her dance kit obviously having come straight from rehersals.

"Come in" I said gesturing to the room behind me as we had both kind of frozen.
She muttered thanks and entered dropping her stuff by the door like she had done countless times before.
"Why did you come here" I asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Because I didn't want to go home" she said before explaining what had happened at dance and how she didn't want Corbyn to stress over her. And as she spoke my heart grew for her, when she spoke about Corbyn you could tell how she felt about him. Autumn was never like this about Marcus.

"Autumn, what happened at dance is probably just because you're stressed. You have your recital on Saturday and then it's Corbyn's birthday Sunday and knowing you you're going to get stressed wanting everything to be right. But how many times will it actually go to plan, and how many times have those mistakes made the day." I assured her, and worry seemed to fade from her face slightly. She nodded her head slowly letting the information sink in.

"I'm going to the bathroom" she stated standing up and walking out.

Autumn's POV

I went to the bathroom not to use it but to be by myself. What Scott had said had reassured me but the amount the swirling round in my head had only been reduced slightly.

I say on the toilet cover and put my head in my hands. I had no idea on what to do on Sunday, or what even to get Corbyn. I knew that I could tell Scott this and he would try to help me. But it wouldn't be perfect, I didn't even know what was perfect.

I got up and walked back through to Scott. I sat down and neither of us spoke for a good minute.

"I have nothing for his birthday in three days" I stated "no ideas, nothing"

" What have you thought of" he asked his voice calm and caring.

" Everything but nothing is perfect, he got me a star and right now I've got him NOTHING" It wasn't Scott's fault but suddenly I felt so angry, not at anyone, at myself.

" You'll think of something, A, you always do" he reassured me

"Not this time, I don't think I will" Scott didn't have an answer this time. We fell back into silence. Each wanting to speak but not being able to find the words.

"I don't even know if this is about the present any more, I think in my head it's between me and him " I started, my eyes not leaving the carpet. "Before I met him I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. I thought I did but I didn't. The reason our relationship is so great is because it was unexpected. He's more to me than just a boyfriend. He's who I can confide in when I've had a bad day. The one I can rely on not to judge me. He's my best friend. To call him just my boyfriend would hardly do him justice. Sometimes I look at him and wonder how I got so Damn lucky. Ever since we met, I knew we were special. The way we talk and laugh around each other is different to everybody else. I know that I will never meet anyone I can trust as I trust him. People Search their whole life to find what I think I've found in him. I love him so much but I'm scared.... Scared of what everyone will say. I have what so many people want. I've already been called a clout chaser, ugly, untalented and I'm scared that he won't love me back the way I love home. But I love him so so much and I don't think anyone will understand"

"I love you to"

--- --- ---

I spun around and Corbyn was there in the door way, looking at me. My hand flew to my mouth.

"I love you to" he repeated. I slowly walked round the couch to the door to where he was, till I was standing just k front of him.

"And I meant every word I said" I whispered to him. He lifted my chin from looking at the floor and placed his lips on mine. It was as if I was dreaming, from when I had started speaking I had been in a trance.

When he pulled away I wrapped my arms round him and buried my head into his chest.

" I texted him when you were in the bathroom, I didn't know you were going to say all that" Scott speaking snapped me back to reality.

I turned round to him.

"That's okay," I slipped my hand out of Corbyn's. And walked back to the couch " it needed to happen, I feel so much better. Thanks you"

We stayed and talked for a bit longer. Not really about anything just this or that. In my head though ideas were forming. Ideas I had wanted for weeks. I finally knew what I was getting Corbyn for his Birthday. By the time that we had left to go home. I felt the best I had ever been. I was higher that cloud nine.

We were sitting in the car driving home, hands interlocked over the console.

"I love you"

"I love you to"


Finally ideas have come to me for the next few chapters hopefully you'll have one within the week.

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