~Chapter 2~

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Autumn’s POV

I woke to bright lights. Bright, bright lights. There were muffled noises of people hurrying outside. I could also hear that there were other noises, whirring noises and constant beeps.  I turned my head to see where it was coming from but pain roared through my body. Then it all came flooding back to me.

  The way Marcus had spoken to me, tried to manipulate me like he had done countless of times before. The way Marcus had looked at me, a look that seemed like he had no love left, as he shoved me backwards towards the busy road. The way I could hear the traffic and a screech or breaks before, before pain took over my body and the world went black. The way I drifted in and out of consciousness whilst in a vehicle with people rushing round me. I was in hospital. That beeping was a heart monitor which would be attached to me. I could’ve died. I was snapped back to reality by the door opening and a friendly looking nurse walked in.

“The sleeper awakes” she said, emitting a friendly kind of vibe. “I’m Nurse Baxter.” She looked at me expecting me to say something. I couldn’t exactly say anything though, she’d know that my name is Autumn, she’d know that I’m sixteen, she’d know that I was hit by a car. So I just smiled but even that hurt. “Well Autumn, I’m just going to take your blood pressure and a few other measurements, and then I’ll tell the doctor that you’re awake and he’ll be along in a bit to tell you everything that’s happened. There’s also a girl outside and I guess she’ll want to come in and say ‘hi’, she’s been here as long as you just waiting in the hallway. If you want I’ll move your bed so you can sit up, when I’ve finished taking your measurements.” She gave me a nice smile again and I smiled back and nodded but pain roared through my body again so it probably wasn’t much of a nod. “I’m taking that as a yes.” Nurse Baxter said and glanced at her clipboard. “You’re also due more painkillers so I’ll add them to your drip for you.” Once again I could only smile. I’d only been awake a few minutes and was already hating being in hospital. It bought back to many memories.

  When she was done the Nurse came back
“I have administered you more pain killers and medication but it doesn’t mean that lifting your bed up isn’t going to hurt. Just think about when your done you’ll be able to see the girl outside, cause let’s just say I think she’ll be very excited to see you, she’s hardly left the corridor outside, and has been asking whenever I’ve walked in to check on you if your awake. Its getting a bit annoying.” I smiled again, this time though it wasn’t fake or forced it was genuine, and then a small giggle escaped. Thank god my voice still worked, although I’d always wanted to what it’s like to lose your voice. The nurse looked at me.

“did you just laugh at me?” she said sarcastically “don’t worry I would all the time but I feel people would just look at me if I did.” I giggled again. “I don’t think you’ll be giggling in a minute. Do you want me to give you a countdown from like five of something, before I move the bed or do you think you’ll be fine.” I shook my head. “You don’t want a countdown?” I nodded. “cool here goes.” She pushed down the button and the bed started moving up. I was absorbed in pain it was about one million times worse than before. Dots started dancing in front of my eyes all different colours.

Yellow. Red, Green. Purple. Black. Blue. White. The pain finally subsided to a dull ache, the dots faded and I was back in the hospital room able to see again, not just the ceiling and thebright lights.

“Alright, I’ll send your friend in and if you need me just press the red button on the controller” she said placing a controller on my lap. “Bye then see you later.  And just because your neck and back hurts it doesn’t mean you can’t move your arms or your voice.” She flashed me a smile and left the room. I guess it might have been about ten seconds when I heard a squeal from the corridor and Bella rushed in and smothered me in a hug, a smile plastered across her face causing me to smile back.

 “OMG, I was so worried, are you ok?” she looked at me expectantly “....You don’t know do you.” There was a pause I was scared to speak in case it hurt. "OMG it's been so annoying I've not been allowed in to see you once and I've not wanted to leave the hospital, I've just been asking every nurse and every doctor who's come in and out, I guess that they all think I'm annoying now." She said this with such a serious expression on her face which is rare I couldn't help smiling.

"I-I think e-everyone finds you annoying." I said stuttering, but I was so pleased to find that my voice.still worked. Suddenly was covered in a sea of brown hair again and heard Bella mumble.

  "I missed that voice." She pulled away with her brown eyes slightly damp.
  "Don't cry." I said laughing "you never know it could be bad for your health."
  "I've told you before crying is only bad for your health if you is sad or something." She said putting on a fake baby voice and pouting. I sighed laughing, yeah it hurt a bit but the pain washed away as I laughed more.

"Hey," I said catching Bella's attention again. "So why aren't you at school?"

  "It's Saturday" she answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
  "What! No it's Thursday." I said, almost trying to convince myself.

"No Autumn. It's Saturday" Bella looked at me all serious with sympathy in her eyes. " I'm probably not the right person to tell you this but you've been in a..... Umm I think they called it a mild coma for the last two days." 
That feeling didn't last long though, I just looked for the bright side of the problem like I did with everything.

" Well at least it's the weekend ." I said looking at my best friend who was crying silently. She looked at me  and laughed, cheering up almost instantly. This went in for about fifteen minutes, us just mucking around, like all the times we have at each others houses. With all the sounds of the machinery I was hooked up to almost drowned out. Almost.

"Well I'm going to go to the loo." Bella said "it's just down the hall so I won't be too long." And with that she got up and left.

I was sucked back into a vacuum. The beep, beep, beep, of the heart monitor. The drip, drip, drip of the drip. My little bubble had burst.

The door opened, it was to quick to be Bella back again, so I assumed it was just the doctor coming to speak to me. I looked over and I was wrong. Very wrong. It was Marcus.

"What are you doing here, Marcus?" I asked trying to put as much power into my voice as possible.

"Came to see how my girlfriend is of course" he answered in the controlling voice I'd grown to hate and be scared of.

"I-I'm not your girlfriend anymore. I'd thought you'd know that after having pushed me into the road" I snapped back."please, please leave " tears spilled from my eyes and down my cheeks.

"No I'm not going to leave" I sobbed harder by whole body shaking. He grabbed by wrist and started to squeeze. " I came here to speak to you, because if it gets out at school that I pushed you into the road my popularity will be ruined"  I couldn't believe it, actually I could, all he cared about was his status.

"What about the police. If it happened as Bella said two days ago wouldn't the police be on your track?" I asked wondering where my sudden burst of confidence had come from and hoping to stump him.

"My dad sorted that out" seriously he just used his dad's name to get out of pushing his ex-girlfriend into the road. Spoilt brat. I squirmed my arm but his grip tightened and I could feel his nails digging into my wrist.

"Marcus please leave." I pleaded again. The pain in my wrist increasing and beep of the heart monitor getting quicker and quicker.


"Marcus please -" I was cut of my another male voice from the doorway.

"She asked you to leave man. You should leave, she obviously doesn't want you here." The stranger said. Marcus looked up at him and opened his mouth and closed it again. Then he left.

I looked up to study my saviour. He was tall probably about  two or three years older than me with bleached hair and the most amazing blue eyes. He was obviously a patient and he had a huge plaster on his throat.
" thank you so much for getting him to leave. I'm Autumn by the way"  I said rubbing my wrist.

"I'm Corbyn. Nice to meet you."

Word count : 1596

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