~Chapter 24~

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Autumn's POV

Over New year the boys were taking me and Gabriela up to Aspen with them which I was excited about but skiing was not my thing, I had done it a few times when was younger, February half term would go to the Alps with my family and ski for a week, but I mostly went for the hot chocolates the hotel served. I had stopped going when my parents go divorced, there weren't many family holidays after that, they seemed to have lost their glow.

This differed from the boys, most of them had gone skiing or snowboarding every year since they were small and all could do some kind of tricks and had no fear of trying anything new.

Corbyn had promised to teach me when we got to Aspen where Jonah's family let them stay in their Chalet every new year. LA was not somewhere where you wanted to be on new year's eve, many streets were closed and parties went on all night and then the next day streets were still blocked making it almost impossible to get out of the city by car.

Not only was I nervous because I was learning to ski again but Corbyn's mum and siblings were going to be staying a few chalets down and even though we had been dating for over 2 months and had, had Christmas and thanksgiving throughout that I had never met them. The only relationship I had ever had before was Marcus and I had met him through his mum so I had never had the nerves for meeting their family before. I had spoken to Ashley a few times on social media but for me speaking in real life was totally different, I could be myself and didn't have the stress of having to reply quickly. I hate the expectations that have been created through social media now.

Corbyn entered our room where I had just finished packing and went to pick up my suitcase, "all done" he asked

"yep I think so" I replied having a last scan around the room before leaving behind him, shutting the door behind us.

Jonah had hired a minivan so that we could all travel up the country together. We were originally going to fly up there but I had suggested a road trip, not only did flying stress me out but driving we could stop at so many places.

We ended up arriving at the chalet at 3 am due to traffic and our plans to meet up with the Besson's for dinner had been thrown out the window a long time ago. Everyone collapsed onto beds and were asleep within minutes. I looked over at Corbyn asleep next to me an whispered to him "big day tomorrow, learning to ski and meeting your family"

I hadn't realised he wasn't quite asleep as I hear his mumbled reply "don't worry they love you already" I rolled over to face him.


"yeah Ash thinks your the sweetest and of course I've spoken to my mum and Jordan about you, they were gutted to not meet you tonight and can't wait to tomorrow, I think that Ash wants to adopt you as her sister, which I will not allow you mine" with that he reached his arm around me and pulled me closer into a hug. I buried my head into his side and he kissed the top of my head. We didn't move until the morning when he woke up.

As per usual I woke up earliest in house and walked through to the living area and explored as we hadn't got to earlier in the morning. I was relaxing on sofa texting my brother when Gabriela shuffled in looking awful.

"this baby better be cute given the amount I just threw up in that bathroom" she said dropping down on the sofa next to me

"aww do you want me to get you anything? I was going to make French toast for everyone else, but if you fancy something different I'm happy doing anything." I asked, wanting to make her feel better. Morning sickness was meant to finish at the end of the first trimester but in some cases it continued into the second and unfortunately Gabriela was one of those cases.

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