~Chapter 18~

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Autumn's POV

Today had been such a good day, I'd loved all my presents, and had the best time with the boys and Bella by scuba diving and just mucking about. Then to top it all off Corbyn took me up to his room which was a bit strange, until he opened his Window and climbed out to the bit of flat roof just outside. On it he had put blankets and pillows making it look comfy and sweet and when you lay down and looked up you could see the stars, the beautiful stars.

Stars had always fascinated me, they were so beautiful and lit up the night sky. They were so far away yet they could look so close. They were so peaceful and when you looked at them it was as if there was just you and the stars.

I laid back on Corbyn and we watched the stars for a few minutes, just me, him and the stars. It was as if the world had stopped and left just us moving.

He reached up and pointed at a star.

"You see that star?"he asked, I followed followed his finger

"The bright one?"

"Yeah" I kept my eyes in the star "it's yours" a shocked smile spread across my face as I sat up and looked at him.

"Your kidding right?"

"Nope" He reached and grabbed a certificate from behind him. It was framed with a picture of the star on with my name underneath.

I studied it for a minute checking it was genuine. My eyes flicking between the picture and the star. I turned to Corbyn before attacking him with a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I repeated over and over again

"Your welcome" he replied "there's one more present though" I looked round, I couldn't see anything apart from pillows and blankets. But then again I hadn't seen the frame with the star certificate in.

"This is either gonna make or break this birthday but I think it'll probably make it" he said quietly as he moved to face me on the blankets.

"When I saw you for the first time in the hospital, I thought how beautiful you were and knew I had to speak to this beautiful angel. For my final week in hospital you made it go by in flash. Everything you did made me smile, every person you spoke to days lit up, you were the light in a place so many people hate.

I knew that when I left I didn't want to lose you, couldn't lose you. I promised you that I would visit you every day. At first you were my best friend, but I guess deep down I always knew that I liked you. You lit up my world more than any of my fans could.

You are so genuine, and you make the most of every moment. Sometimes I imagine that you are a kid trapped in a 17 year olds body. But I wouldn't want you any other way. It breaks my heart how the world could have been so cruel to you, but it makes you so much stronger. In my opinion these scars both inside and out make you more perfect and are the reason my crush for you grows everyday"

My hands were on my mouth trying to hide my smile and tears were in my eyes threatening to fall

"So will you make me so happy and become my girlfriend" he finished

I nodded vigorously "yes, yes, yes, yes"

Corbyn had a huge smile on his face and came and embraced me in big Bear hug.

This felt right, my head in the crook of his neck, feeling his heart beat through my cheat, being with him. With Corbyn.

I lent back and pressed my lips against his. They moved in sync like the wings of a butterfly.

We broke apart and lay back down, both smiling before we were interuppted by cheering from corbyn's bedroom where the boys were standing. I looked over at them
"Get a life" I laughed before turning back to Corbyn and pecking him on the lips before lying back down in his chest. Moving up and down slightly with his breath.


I know I said I'd update quickly but guess what so forgot. I'm sorry.

Well anyway my ship has sailed. Yayy

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