~Chapter 16~

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Autumn's POV
I woke the next morning to my phone ringing, I indicating an incoming call from Bella. I picked up already knowing that she was wanting to know every tiny detail from the date the night before. And I did I told her everything except the kiss, like I hadn't told her about the other ones, I want ready quite yet.

"Did you do anything when you got home?" She asked when I had finished explaining. I then realised that I was still in my jeans, top and makeup. I guess I must have fallen asleep in the car and he must have carried me in.

"No I think I fell asleep in the car as I'm still in my makeup and clothes" I explained as the thoughts ran through my head.

"Aww he must have carried you in"

"Yeah, I guess he did" I allowed a small smile to play on my lips.

"You guys are so cute" Bella squealed down the line causing me to laugh. We talked for a bit more, about this and about that, until Bella was called downstairs to eat her breakfast and get ready to go as she was visiting her cousins today.

I got up and put on some sports leggings, a sports bra and a hoodie before removing the remains of my makeup and going to find some breakfast. I grabbed a chocolate brioche and a banana one of my weirder breakfast combinations but they were both really nice.

As I sat at the breakfast bar eating my breakfast I got out my phone and started going through Instagram. There were quite a few photos of last night mostly of limelights meeting Corbyn and some of them included me. Unfortunately there were also a few videos on drama accounts of me and Corbyn just around the fair but the captions were questioning whether we were going out or not. I told myself not to but still ended up clicking the comments and started looking through them. Most were really sweet and said things like 'I love them','They're so cute','my heart','finally','#Cortumn', these made me smile but along with the nice came the bad, 'She is SO ugly','why does he hang out with her','they can't date there is a huge age difference','she's just there for clout'. I slammed my phone down on the table. Why do people think they have the right to do this? they've never met me. What do they have against me?

I sighed as I swivelled my chair round expecting to see an empty room but instead I saw a Jack Standing in the doorway looking at me in concern.

"It'll get better, they're just jealous right now." he said, already having guessed what was going on. I smiled but it quickly vanished. The comments made me wonder if I was just naive and that they were true. "well I'm going for a skate, wanna come?" Jack asked, trying to cheer me and take my mind away from social media.

"I would but I don't know how to skate"

"you don't know how to skate?" He repeated the mock offence in his voice making me laugh. "well I'm going to re arrange my very empty day to teach you how to" I guess that decision was made.

"lets skate"

"Autumn, never say that again" he said before turning and leaving to grab some boards.

                      --- --- ---

"No Autumn bend your legs a bit"Jack exclaimed "you're going to fall off" just as I fell off for the umpteenth time.  I was laughing before I got the floor. Skate boarding was not something I was a natural at.

"I just don't understand how to do it" I looked up at Jack from where I was sitting on the floor.

"It's simple what don't you understand"

"Like everything"

"I've said everything I know" he shrugged his shoulders before coming and giving me a hand up. I went to grab the board before coming and having another go. I managed to go about 15 yards this time before losing my balance and running of the board.
I turned back to Jack smiling at my success as he clapped sarcastically.

"Roode" I put my hands on my hips, pretending to be talking to a little kid. "If you do that again you might end up in the pool" he looked behind him at the pool, which I was yet to go in.

"Don't you dare"

"Just make sure you don't have anything valuable on." I said ignoring his comment. Corbyn who had been watching us, from one of the sun loungers, got up and quietly walked behind Jack as I was having another go.

Jack was to busy trying to shout instructions at me, that notice until it was too late. Corbyn quickly reached out from the side and pushed Jack into the middle of the pool. He resurfaced, with an angry expression on his face. I was to busy laughing that I didn't see Corbyn until he was almost upon me.

"You're next" he said, causing me to turn and run away.

I was a bit faster than Corbyn but he soon cut me off and was Infront of me. I screamed and tried to run back where I had come from but the others had come out and were now standing there.

"Oh no you don't" Daniel joked.

I only had one option left. I turned and sprinted towards the pool planning on somersaulting in. But ended up tripping when my slider fell of. I jumped back up, kicking the other one off but Corbyn was already there and picked me up from behind. I kicked my legs trying to escape but was no use.

He stopped at the edge so Jack had time to move out the way. I took my chance and tried to kick him in the shin but missed. He swung me round until into bridal style position, skilled cunningly down at me before tossing me in. Whilst I screamed.

I stayed under the water and swam over to the step and climbed out.
Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel and Zach were taking their tops off as they had they had put their trunks on earlier. O marched up to them

"CORBYN MATTHEW BESSON, YOU ARE A DEAD MAN" I yelled before chasing Corbyn, who took the cowards way out and ran straight into the pool. I turned on my heal facing the others who quickly ended up following suit. "COWARDS" I yelled before running at the pool and somersaulting in, which had been my original plan.

I surfaced and swam over to Corbyn who was floating near the edge.

"You're mean" I stated, sticking my tounge out at him.

"You loved it though"

"That's the not the point" I claimed before splashing water at him and swimming away.

This ended up being a full on water fight until we were all tired. We got out and started drying ourselves. Before lying to the sun beds

"I can't wait till I can go back to diving" I claimed to no one in particular

"You only have 5 more days to wait" Corbyn said from the bed next to me. That was true, I'd been to the doctors earlier in the week and they had said that I could start in about a week as my knee was mostly healed. This had then resulted in me begging Scott to let me stay with the boys which he agreed to as he was travelling to do with jobs.

"I know but that's so long to wait"

"Yeah but you've already waited about 3 months" I didn't answer deciding that Corbyn was to annoying to talk to at the moment as he was write, instead I slapped my hands down by my side in a frustrated manner.

--- --- ---

"I want pizza" Zach broke the silence, or the silence you can have living in a city.

"Me too"Jack claimed

"Me three"Jonah said as he, hopefully, got up to order some.

I also got up and went over to Corbyn's lounger before lying down next to him and placing my head on his bare chest

"I like pizza" I mumbled into him.

"Yeah me too" he agreed "not as much as you though"

"I like you too" I replied as he kissed the top of my head. I squeezed him slightly with my arm the was draped over him and smiled.

Our moment was then intutupted by Zach pretending to gag. I sat up and threw my towel at him before laying back on Corbyn, laughing along with the others.


I meant for the gap between updates to be about a week not almost a month again. Sorry.

Also I love Don't change so much, k think its my favourite song yet

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