~Chapter 13~

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Autumn's POV

The day was fine after maths, I had no lessons with Marcus, but that didn't stop me wanting to carry out my plan. The cafeteria in my school was big. Almost everyone on the school ate lunch there. I'd met up with Bella before I went in, I was already with Zach as we'd had theatre together. They knew my plan, they didn't have to do anything but it made me happier knowing that I wasn't the only person who knew.

We entered the cafeteria and went our separate ways, Bella to the cheerleaders as she was part of them, Zach was dragged off by some limelights whether he'd wanted to, I have no idea but he went willingly. Me? I went to Marcus's table, where I'd sat all last year, he wasn't there yet luckily. None of the boys seemed surprised to me which showed that Marcus wouldn't even tell his best friends the truth.

"Hey Autumn" Dylan said.

"Hey guys" I said, whilst they all nodded and mumbled greetings.

"Are you ok?" Pam, Dylan's girlfriend. A concerted look in her eyes.

"I'm fine, just a small limp and having an annoying brace" I answered, it hadn't even been a day back and I was already tired of the concerning questions.

"How did it happen?" Hudson asked from the opposite end of the table.

"She tripped, she probably doesn't want to talk about it anyway." Pam said, putting an arm around me, defensively.

"Thanks Pam" I replied shrugging her arm off my shoulders. " But I don't mind talking about it and if you all really want to know, I didn't trip"

The table errupted with 'what happened' and 'but that's what everyone said'

"Before I can tell you how much do you trust me as the truth some of you might find it hard to believe" I said, the table went silent.

"I probably trust you the most here, no offense guys" said Pam and some others nodded in agreement. I nodded, took a deep breath and started telling them everything, almost everything that happened from before and after the accident. I never heard their replies, as Marcus walked in just I finished, but I could see by the shocked looks on their faces that most of them believed me.

Marcus came over in his usual swagger that I fell in love with and greeted everyone before sitting in the empty seat next to me. Much to his suprise no one replied or even smiled at him. A paniced look flashed across his face, bit was quickly replaced by his usual smirk.

"So what were you guys talking about?" he said, acting oblivious to everyone's cold looks.

"You know, stuff like truth and trust" I said, matter of factly looking at my nails.

"What kind of truth and trust?" he asked, less confidently as before.

"You know, to friends and stuff" said Pam before I could answer. Almost all the colour left his face.

"Why are you so pale, babe? Are you scared I'm going to tell everyone what you've done?" I say quietly and patronising like he's always done to me.

"SHUT UP AUTUMN" he shouted, causing the noise in the cafeteria to decrease dramatically. He quickly composed him self and repeated quietly. "Autumn, shut up" in a controling voice.

"Are you worried that people are going to find out that how you threatened me not to end our relationship?" I teased loud enough for most of the room to hear. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. I could see his white knuckles as he gripped his chair" I scars Marcus, scars" I said tired of teasing. I pulled up my sleeve to show him my moon shaped scars of his nails, but he battered me away.

"Shut up, Dunsfield" he said, louder than he would have.

"Why should I"

"I-I-I'm your boyfriend" he said as confidently as possible but I knew he was losing confidence not just in himself

"No your not my boyfriend, did you not just hear what I said, to me you've not been my boyfriend, since April" I argued back

"But you broke up with me in June?" His voice seemed emptier than before but spoke with them same try of confidence.

"Because apirl is when I realized that you didn't love me and that you just manipulated my every choice. Why, Marcus?...Why?"

"You were changing"

"And is that bad" I snapped back triggered, we'd both risen from our seats, the cafeteria was silent around us and  I could feel hundreds of eyes staring at me.

"No it's just, not right for me"

"Do you need this girl who'll come to you at your every cry and do everything you want? Well at least I tried my best, you're the one who never let me in their house." He opened and closed his mouth his face having now gone from a pale to sheet to a face of red anger. "Why Marcus? You weren't doing something good, for god's sake you probably had this other girl round who you were sleeping with" I don't know what had made me say he had been cheating on me, probably the fact that I'd opened up about my father and I still had those thought running around my head. As soon as the words had left my mouth, I felt bad but when I saw Marcus's face I felt my heart sink to my stomach.

"We never had sex" he said quietly for the first time not looking at me.

"But you're not denying it"

"No there's no point, you won't meet her she goes to a different school"

"So that doesn't mean you shouldn't be hooking up behind my back." Why was I upset I didn't have a feelings left for him.

"You broke up with me anyway" he said defensively, the scary part was that he wasn't shouting anymore, like last time. He was really angry

"You were together before we broke up....wait  if you were with her why did you need me to be your 'girlfriend'?"

"Because people might not believe me that I have a girlfriend who goes to another school"

"So like they believed you when you said that I had managed to slip infront of on coming traffic" I argued back desperate to win this argument.

"Well you did trip didn't you" he replied with that manipulative voice, knowing of I said what he didn't his popularity will never be the same, little did he know that the people sitting around us already knew.

"NO I DIDN'T YOU KNOW I DIDN'T. YOU PUSHED ME. PUSHED ME INFRONT OF THAT VAN. YOU ALMOST .... Almost killed me"I screamed at him as his face went from white to purple in the matter of seconds. There were gasps around the cafeteria. But I couldn't really here them I could just here my breathing getting quicker and quicker.

"You deserved it" his reply was too calm.

"You know what today I was going to come here and hurt you where it would hurt most to you, your precious popularity and I have I hope people see you for who you really are."

"Why?" his voice was till scarily calm but for the first time in months I could feel a tiny bit of sympathy in his voice.

"Because you almost killed me, I could have done much worse Marcus. Much worse" I don't know why but I raised my hand and then slapped him on the cheek "but you're not worth it anymore" with that I turned on my heal and walked as confidently as I could, what feeling a couple hundred eyes staring into my back.

I left the cafeteria and went straight to Bella's car, where I was joined by her a few moments later. I wouldn't normally ditch school on the first day but I couldn't face it today and she understood that.

We drove to the boys house in silence and she dropped my off outside and drove away whilst I fumbled with my keys trying to open the door with my shaking hands.

I went in side and leaned against the wall next to the door and sank to the floor letting tears fall silently down my cheeks, I heard footsteps come to the door and then felt arms circle me in a hug and I buried my head into their shoulder not caring who it was and just sobbed.


This chapter kept publishing by accident so you might have already read some.

But yeah please vote and I hoped you enjoyed the chapter cause I really enjoyed writing it

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