~Chapter 11~

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Autumn's POV

To soon it was almost time to go to school again. I usually love going back to school, just the first day. It's great to see everyone and actually have something to do, it also used to mean a year until I had to think about seeing my father again.

I was off using crutches now and I couldn't wait for 2 weeks time when I could go back and do sport again. Whenever I would think about quitting dance or platform diving before, due to stress, I had always wondered what to do with my life and even though it was three months with out sport I missed it. I missed it a lot, and it wasn't just me, Bella is the same level as me at dance and she says that none of the dances are the same without me.

I was sitting on my bed doing catch up work and holiday homework from when I was away, in preparation for tomorrow. I had books and paper all around me and my computer in the middle with about 1000 documents open. I had just started history, the PowerPoints from last year were on my computer and I was making notes. Why do we even have to learn about the Russian Revolution? I shuffled round my papers and books trying to find my pink highlighter, which ended up being under a massive maths text book. When I finally looked back at my laptop I saw a request from Claire and automatically answered it.

"Hey C" I said readjusting my computer so she could see me.

"Hey A"

"What's my pleasure of seeing you today" We face timed most days but there usually ended up being a reason. We could tell almost anything to each other and know they won't tell anyone, partly because we live 5,437 miles from each other and partly because we have almost no neutral friends.

"Not really anything today, I was just bored. So what are you doing" 

"I was moving onto history just before you called me, I probably should have done more catch up work when I was in hospital." 

"You always say that......well not the hospital part but the doing stuff earlier part" I smirked as she started rambling as she always does when she says something that might partially offend someone.

"Don't dig yourself a hole"

"I'm not"



"Fine" I shrugged and then pouted at her pretending I was annoyed. "Why did you even call anyway?" She was obviously reluctant to answer cause she suddenly had great interest in playing with her hair. "Claire"

"Fine...... So I was at Tesco's earlier and I saw your dad and his misses and they were talking abou-" she was cut off by my bedroom door opening and Corbyn coming in. "Who's he" her eyes were suddenly wide with interest but I could also sense relief in her voice as she knew I wouldn't make her say anything if there was someone else in the room.

"This is Corbyn and Corbyn this is Claire" I introduced them and they said their hellos and then Corbyn turned to me

"Why can't you still have a British accent like that" I threw a pillow at him

"I thought you liked my accent?"

"I do but....still" our 'argument' was cut short by a woman shouting on the other side on the screen.

"That's my cue to go. Have fun at school A"

"Yeah bye Claire" and with that Claire was gone and I was left wondering what was it she was going to tell me.

"What's the deal with you and her anyway?" I was snapped out my thoughts by Corbyn.

"She's my best friend"

"No Bella's your best friend"

"K, fine she's my best British friend"

"Then if that's all it is then why haven't I heard of her before?" There was a moment's silence. I knew Corbyn deserved to know, I also knew that it wasn't that big of a deal then why was I scared.

"K so this might sound a bit strange." I looked up at him for reassurance he nodded sitting down next to me.

"So me and Claire went to school together whilst I lived in England, we were best friends and did basically anything together even though we are really different now"

"So you already know the story of my parents... How my dad cheated on my mum. Well the woman he was cheating with was like 15 years younger than him and it turned out to be Claire's older cousin. I can still remember the phone going and my mum coming into my room and telling me to go get Scott to help me with my homework. We weren't fed that night, my parents spoke to eachother till about 10. They didn't shout much but every now and again we could here inaudible shouts. My mum then came back to Scott's room and she'd been crying but she smiled and tucked us into bed. The next morning daddy wasn't there. Me and Scott were left with Claire when my parents went off to court cause although my dad didn't want custody of us he said we couldn't go to LA with mum.  On the day that was supposedly to be the last of court, me and Claire made a pact to keep being friends where ever the world took us. So here I am in LA but I've never missed a week without face timing Claire in London. I also spend most of my time with her when I go to London" I looked at Corbyn, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, as he had a mixed expression on his face.

"I-i'm sorry"

"Why?" I said forcing a smile

"Well I was just coming in to ask what you wanted on your pizza and now I feel bad you basically had to tell your whole family drama"

"We'd never eat tonight if you wanted to hear my whole family drama, and I'd like extra pepperoni please" I flashed a fake smile at him again.

Corbyn nodded and gave me a hug before getting up kissing me on the head and leaving me alone in my room. It took less than thirty seconds for me to be in floods of tears sobbing quietly into my duvet. Not because of my Dad but because my heart hurt so much when I thought of my mum. I hadn't wanted to cry in front of Corbyn, but like most nights I found myself once again crying into my duvet not letting anyone hear. I would be crying for everything, everything that was wrong in my broken life.

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