Chapter 2 - The first night

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It was almost dark at just 16:11 when Bazz and Cray arrived back from the shops with stockpiles of food. By that time Elliot and Kath had found : 7 torches, a portable DVD player, a radio and 3 lamps. Kath had lit candles in some of the rooms to save the dwindling batteries in the torches.

The crew spent the rest of the evening snuggled up in Cray's bed watching Dvds on the player. The night was bitter and cold without heating so they were all snuggled under the covers like little kids hiding from parents in a game of hide and seek. Lufu was far left, then Elliot, Cray and finally Bazz far right. The last movie ended at around 11pm. At which point, they all trundled off to their separate, cold rooms for the night.

Elliot P.O.V.

It was around 00:30 when I heard a soft knocking at my door. The door creaked open and I heard a soft voice.
"Kath? Is that you?" I said, grabbing my torch and shining at the door, trying not to blind her. My eyes blinked at the light and adjusted. I saw Kath in a hoodie and tracksuit. As it was so cold we had all decided to keep our clothes on to save warmth.
"Elliot, I'm really cold. Can I sleep with you?". She spoke softly, like singing a lulaby. However, I could hear the distress in her voice. She looked pale, like a snowflake.
"Sure", I said "although I doubt its warmer".
"No, but you are" she said, smiling softly. It was the cute smile that I fall for every time. I smiled as well, and she climbed in beside, cuddling up to my warmth. I place my arm under her cold body and bring her closer. I could feel her slightly shivering, her cold skin disrupting my precious heartbeat. Her presence made my heart want to melt with happiness. As she, the girl of my dreams, led beside me, snuggling for warmth, I wanted to sing a thousand happy songs.

Loserfruits P.O.V.

I had felt so cold. I couldn't sleep, think, I could hardly move. I wanted to move into Elliot's room so badly, to feel his warmth, cuddle his muscly body. I finally picked up the nerve to go and ask him, the person that I am still not sure about my feelings for him.

Now I cuddle up to his warm body. My head is resting on his chest, I can feel his heartbeat. It feels as though it itself is warming me up, the fire in my veins, as though every pump is giving me warmth that I needed desperately. The rhythmic beating of his heart sends me into a warm sleep.

Elliot's P.O.V.

Loserfruit falls asleep on my chest. I gently stroke her cheek, tucking her gorgeous brown hair behind her ear. I know what I want to do but I don't know if I can. Looking down, she looks so cute, resting next to me. Even though I didn't realise it was possible I fall in love with her, my secret love, a little more. I pluck up the courage and kiss her gently on the cheek, before softly whispering "good night, I love you".

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