Chapter 8 - Movies

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1 month later

Elliott's love for Kath grew and grew. The heating and electricity in the click house was fixed and Bazz, Cray, Elliot and Kath went back to making videos for their YouTube channel. Bazz was visiting family so it was just Cray, Elliot and Kath in the house.
"Hey guys is anyone doing anything this evening?" Elliot asked at breakfast. Cray and Kath both shook their heads.
"Why? What are you planning?" Asked Kath.
"That new movie we want to watch premiers today and I wondered if we wanted it watch it and go out to a restaurant for some food?" Elliot replied.
"Sure Elliot that sounds like a good idea! " Kath said excitedly.

Later that evening

Cray, Elliot and Kath drove to the cinema and parked in the large multi-story car park. They walked the remaining 100 metres and ordered a large popcorn and 3 cokes. The movie was a horror/thriller. Cray sat on the right, Elliot in the middle holding the popcorn and Kath on the left.

They watched the movie which contained several jump-scares. Kath was frightened towards the end but resisted the urge to hold Elliot's hand thinking it would make her look a coward. However secretly Elliot was scared too. But Cray being Cray just laughed through the whole movie.

Afterwards they drove to a nearby restaurant which was well regarded to having the best food around. Cray ordered a really spicy curry, Elliot got Chicken and chips and Kath got some scampi with lots of salad. After the delicious meal, Elliot and Cray (since Kath had gone last time) decided to quickly go to the shops to get some essentials they were out of like bread, milk, cereal and chips. Meanwhile Kath walked the short way home with the key.

As Kath arrived at the house she heard shouting from a nearby alleyway. She ignored, but then realised the voices were talking to her
"Ohh, what do we have here young lady?" A drunken man said.....

Elliot and Cray finished shopping and drove back home. They parked and went to the door- but it was locked.
"Where's Kath?" Said Elliot, worried. Just then they heard a cry of help from the alley. They turned and ran to check it out. And there was kath. She was being held against the wall by a large drunken man. There was a large, red handprint on her cheek, and tears were running down her face in waterfalls. There were two broken bottles on the floor, lethal shards of glass everywhere. There was another beer bottle upright leaning against the opposite wall. But worst of all the man was half naked, his dick erect and hanging out, and the man's free hand was pulling down Kath's own trousers....
" KATHHHH! " Cray screamed in horror. Elliot and Cray leapt into action - but was it too late....

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