Chapter 3 - Truths, Dares and Sexy Stares

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Elliot woke with a yawn and started to get up before feeling Kath still sleeping next to him, her head resting on his chest. He looked around. The room was dark and cold. He grabbed his torch from his bedside table and shined a narrow beam of light at the clock on the wall.
"10:22? What?" Elliot questioned quietly. "The room should be bright at this time of day" he thought to himself.

He looked down at Kath. She was still sleeping, silent except the soft sound of her breathing. She was perfectly motionless. Elliot tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and started gently rubbing her shoulder. Kath's eyes slowly flickered open, like a robot who's just been turned on.
"Morning Lufu" Elliot said softly.
"Morning El" Lufu replied tiredly. She looked up at Elliot and saw him smiling at her, so she smiled back. The smile made Elliot's heart flutter with love. She put her soft head back down onto his chest, wanting 5 more minutes of sleep. Elliot got the message without any words said, and snuggled back down into the warm covers. He lightly stroked her shoulders and Kath didn't stop him.

"What time is it?" Kath asked 10 mins later.
"Around 10:30" Elliot replied.
"How come its so dark?" She asked, confused.
"Not sure. Maybe dark clouds?" He suggested. Kath got out of the warm bed and into the gloomy, freezing depths of the house. She shivered as she reached the window and looked out. Elliot had followed her and stood next to her as they marvelled at a sight.

It was a thin layer of snow over the window causing the room to be dark. As Kath tapped the glass, much of the snow fell off, jumping to a new place to settle on. Outside, the grass was covered with a thick layer of snow. Snow was still quickly falling from the sky, like someone was tipping a large bucket of snow over the earth. The blizzard had arrived.

30 minutes later, Bazza and Cray were chatting in the sitting room when Elliot and Kath walked in.
"Morning Bedheads!" Cray cried in his usual high pitched squeal. Both Bazz and Cray had no idea that Kath had gone into Elliot's room for the night.
"If you hadn't noticed the snow outside-" Bazz started.
"We did notice, yes" Elliot interuppted.
"Shut up Elliot!" Bazza yelled, which earned a giggle from Kath and Cray. "Anyway, the snow is piled so high we can't get any of the external doors open".
"No?" Elliot questioned.
"Seriosly?" Lufu asked.
"Yep. We are trapped in this house like a dog on a lead" answered Cray.
"What that doesn't even make sense-" Bazz started.
"You're kidding me!" Lufu exclaimed.
"No way. No power, no heating and now locked in our house? This can't be real" Elliot said.

The youtubers had breakfast and pondered over what to do for the day. They decided to play some board games - and first up was a variant of Monopoly - 'Dare Monopoly' - that Cray made up.
"Wait so what's the rules again?" Bazza questioned for the 9th time.
"Basically, there is no money. If you land on someones property they give you a dare. If you go to jail everyone gives you a dare" Cray explained.
"I get it" Elliot said, with Kath nodding in agreement.
"Okay then. Lets play!" Cray said excitedly.

Kath was the first person to get a dare after landing on one of Cray's Oranges.
"Ooh this is a tough one fruity" Cray said. "Okay. You have to down a teaspoon of hot sauce". Kath downed the hot sauce with much delay. A while later Elliot landed on Bazza's red.
"Alright Elliot, you have to slap Cray."
"BAZZZZZ!" Cray whined. Elliot let Cray off and only hit him lightly. Cray realised and thanked him. Then Kath's piece landed on Bazza as well!
"Okay Kath, you have to kiss.....Elliot" Bazz said with a cocky smile.
"Fuck sake Brodey!" Elliot moaned. Lufu accepted the challenge and walked up to Elliot.

Elliot's P.O.V.

Kath came up to me and I was ready. Her soft lips touched my cheek - they were like fire on my cold skin. I looked at her briefly and she was smiling, looking sexy. A smiled a little at her. She was angled so that Cray and Bazz couldn't see. Elliot was thankful because then they couldn't take the piss out of him. The kiss sent fire through Elliot's veins. His heart was beating so fast he thought the very clockwork of it would come undone and it would splinter into a thousand happy pieces. Kath sat back down, but Elliot couldn't focus - he was haunted by the kiss that gave him power, courage, energy.

Kath's P.O.V.

I kissed Elliot just for the dare, but I actually enjoyed it. He gave a sweet smile which told me he liked it too. I made my way back to my seat, with my head swimming in thoughts of Elliot.

3rd Person P.O.V.

The game continued for a while, and the group played some other games like Cluedo, twister (which was a lot of laughs thanks to the very unflexible Bazz) and Risk.

3 hours later

The crew had had a quick lunch and watched a movie, when Cray wanted to play Truth or Dare. The group reluctantly agreed. There were many goes - some best bits was : when Elliot had to eat a Chilie and Cray riding on Bazz's back like a horse. However, it was Bazza's turn to ask Elliot and the dreaded question Elliot knew was eventually coming arrived.
"Elliot, do you like Kath in a relationship way?"

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