Chapter 9- Rescue

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Wow. It has been a long time. I have had trouble getting time to write with ridiculous amounts of school work, DofE stuff, you know. I am extremely thankful for all the people that have stuck around and waited patiently, and your messages get me back because I don't want to let you down with a half written story. My updates won't be to often but I'll try and do once a month as a minimum. Anyway, on to the story...


Pumped with adrenaline, Elliot sprinted, rugby tackling the drunken man to the hard, cold gravel. The man reacted quickly and swung his right fist towards Elliot, but Elliot was too quick and dodged the blow easily. Slowly the man tried to get to his feet, but Elliot kicked him back to the ground with a blow to the abdomen. Elliot looked over and saw Cray helping an embarrassed and sad Kath to get feet. "Cray!" he screamed, "Call the police!" . Cray looked over, but to his horror saw a powerful fist fly into Elliots chest as the fell over backwards, crashing into a wooden fence. Seeing Kath was already  calling the cops, Cray ran to help his friend. Powerfully, the drunk aimed a punch at the winded Elliot, but he managed to roll away just in time. Elliot got to his feet quickly, and dodged another wild swing. Suddenly the man tumbled to the ground, Cray rugby tackling him from behind. Before Cray and Elliot could react however, the man (in a spur of rage) threw Cray off him, picked up a nearby bottle and threw it at Elliot. Elliot dodged well, the bottle smashing in to the fence behind him. The man reached for another bottle, and Elliot striked, landing a lusty blow to the mans arm. In a drunken rage the man threw one last punch at Elliots arm - it connected sweetly, sending Elliot into a world of pain. Hearing the squeal of a cop car in the distance, Elliot aimed one last punch before the man crashed to the ground unconscious.

The rest of the evening happened in a haze for Elliot - the cops came and arrested the man, Kath went straight to bed after greatly thanking the boys, and him and Cray both needed a rest after their injuries. But Elliot couldn't sleep, his thoughts just swirled around him and they caused him pain.

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