Chapter 11- Early Birds

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Elliot shot up in bed in a pool of sweat. He checked the time - 02:11. What a nightmare. Deciding he was never going to get back to sleep, he turned on his PC and decided to do some editing on a video he was going to upload. In it he was playing Fortnite with Lazarbeam, Lachlan and Loserfruit. They were trying to win by only using their pickaxe and it was a hilarious video, but as he edited it, hearing Lufu laugh just brought him flashbacks and pain.

When he finished editing he checked the time - 5.32. He decided to load up Fortnite and try to record some content. However as he loaded in he received and invite from Loserfruit. As he joined her party, he asked her -
"Kath? Aren't you asleep?"
" Yeah I tried but I couldn't" she replied in a sleepy voice. "You?"
"I had a nightmare and couldn't get back asleep" Elliot answered, deciding to be honest.
"Aww poor you!" Kath replied as they went into the loading screen.
"How are you feeling after last night?" Elliot said caringly.
"Don't remind me" she said sadly. "I'll be alright soon, I just need to get over the shock of it. Thanks so much for being there for me, I don't want to think about What would have happened otherwise".
" I know, and no worries, it was the least I could do".
"Well thanks anyways".
"New topic, what do you want to film today?" Elliot asked.
"We could just play try hard and try to get loads of kills?" Kath suggested.
" Yeah ok sounds cool" Elliot replied.

They gamed all morning, but couldn't get any good content, mainly because they were both too tired, and because it was early morning so all the sweaty TTVs were out looking for kills. At roughly 09.00 they decided to get up and have breakfast with Cray, before relaxing for the rest of the day.

A/n = Jeez two chapters in one day? Has to be a record

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