The Rogue Freelancers

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At a hidden base in the docks, Vermont, CT and Jonathan were riding a craft towards the base

Jonathan: here we are! Home sweet home

Vermont: you guys should work more on the paint job!

Jonathan: that's exactly what I said!

Foxtrot then appears next to Vermont

Vermont: ready to meet some new people Fox?

Foxtrot: I'm always ready

Jonathan: just to clear up one more thing!

Vermont and Foxtrot look at Jonathan

Jonathan: you may recognize a few faces here and they won't be very happy to see you after what you did at the tower!

Vermont: you mean the heist for that sarcophagus?!

CT: yep! That's the one

Vermont: ah shitnuggets

Jonathan: don't worry! I'll clear it up to them for you! Just because you're a friend of Connie's!

Vermont: I'd appreciate that!

Foxtrot: if I had emotions...I would be scared

Vermont: relax! As long as they don't try anything they'll regret, we'll do just fine

The craft then lands and Vermont see's Blondie, muscle and bullseye

Vermont: aww if it ain't the three stooges

Jonathan: her name is Susie, muscle man over there is named Brock and the sniper man is named Ace

Vermont then notices the other soldier with the robot arm

Vermont: what about him?

Jonathan: that's Chris, I heard he lost his arm from a space ship's main canon

Vermont: well you heard right

Jonathan, CT and Vermont starts walking to the soldiers

Chris: it's them

Susie: I can't believe he trusts those assholes, after what they did to us!

Vermont starts walking towards the group

Vermont: we meet again...

Ace: you're just lucky that Jonathan trusts you

Susie: but let's get one thing straight here dickhead!

Susie starts walking up to Vermont and presses her blade against his neck

Susie: we don't trust you! And we will never forgive you after what you've done! Got that?!

But Vermont only moves his face closer to her

Vermont: the feeling's mutual...

Jonathan: that's enough!!

Vermont and Susie look at Jonathan

Jonathan: I can understand your history with him, but you all need to put it behind you!! He's our ally! Like it...or not!

Jonathan looks at Vermont

Jonathan: Vermont, may I see your AI?

Vermont: why?

Jonathan: I'm only gonna scan and acquire any information he has on Project Freelancer. You get him back undamaged, I promise

Vermont looks at Foxtrot

Red vs Blue: Agent VermontWhere stories live. Discover now