Freelancer Fallout

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Somewhere in a dark room, a single light began to shine down on a round table. Vermont walks towards the table with Foxtrot on his left shoulder, he stops and then sees Texas, York and North walking into the light

Vermont: this everyone?

Texas: yes...people we can trust...

York: Tex already filled us how do we save the Alpha?

Vermont: I've got a plan...

North: do tell us...

Vermont plants the blueprints of the Mother Of Invention on the table and the others look

Vermont: let's bring our A.I.s for this one

Theta, Delta, Foxtrot and Omega then appear on the table

Theta: hi Foxtrot! Hi again Delta!!

Delta: hello again Theta

Foxtrot: I see you're still here Omega

Omega: don't talk to me...

Theta: I'm glad we finally get to meet you Foxtrot! It's been so long!!

Delta: I agree, it is good to see you again

Foxtrot: the feeling is mutual

Vermont: ok cut the chatter you four...bring up a holographic image of the blueprints

The four of them disappear and create a holo image and it floats above the table

North: so...what do we do?

Vermont points at the bridge

Vermont: this room holds the Alpha, and that is  where we're gonna rescue him

Texas: I have CTs actual dog tags, I'll go in there and collect the Alpha myself

Vermont: alright, just make sure that no one spots you from getting the Alpha

North: won't the alarms go off if the Alpha was suddenly stolen?

Vermont: yes, which is where you and York come in. York will try and keep the ship's systems down while you head straight to the armory and collect the weapons that the staff will most likely use against us

York: ok...this is a good plan so far...but there will still be hundreds of trained security guards trying to stop us...and they're most likely armed, how do we get Texas out of there?

Texas looks at York and points at herself

Texas: I can handle myself York

North: we know...we saw how badly York was losing to you

York: oh come on man! Why'd you have to bring THAT up?!

Vermont: can it!!!

They all look at Vermont

Vermont: Tex, I know you can handle yourself but someone needs to keep the security busy while you make your getaway

Texas: and who exactly is going to take care of the guards?

Vermont: I am...

York: just how are you going to get in there? It's a space!

Vermont: the Mother Of Invention has a teleporter room, I just need York to hack me into the right systems and teleport me right into the ship

North: are you sure you'll handle the security?

Vermont: please...I've been through worse

The holographic image disappears and the A.I.s return to their original forms

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