Solid Leads

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The group now have arrived at the desert with the tiny temples as Carolina climbs off her vehicle

Carolina: and this is where you last saw the body?

Vermont: yeah, I told Grif here to bury the bodies at the plains

Carolina: alright, Wash you stay here and keep an eye on these idiots. Vermont, take me to the burial site, sync?

Vermont: sync

Caboose: automatic dishwasher

Vermont and Carolina then head towards the burial site as Tucker looks at them

Tucker: wow, where was this chick back when we had the tank? Bitches love tanks!

Epsilon: I don't get it...Wash what the hell is she actually looking for?

Wash: I wish I could tell you...but I really don't have any idea, she's already put us on a need to know basis

Epsilon: well there's gotta be someway we can get information out of her...

Meanwhile, Foxtrot was currently searching for CT's helmet until there was a positive beep

Vermont: found it!

Vermont then crouches and brushes off some of the sand as he picks up the helmet

Vermont: if there's any's gotta be in here

Carolina: so you turned traitor...and befriended this guy...only for him to stab you in the back as well

Vermont: hey, he was going to kill those Red and Blue morons, I couldn't just stand by and let him do that

Carolina: how noble of you...

Vermont: so how exactly are we going to get the information?

Carolina: we use this...

Carolina then pulls out the datapad as Vermont stares at it. Time later they then walk back towards the group as Carolina turns to Wash

Carolina: Wash! Get over here, we need your help

Wash then catches up with the Freelancers as they enter the freighter

Vermont: that datapad should have all the information we need, Foxtrot see if you and the pussy can access through it

Foxtrot: on it

Wash and Foxtrot then start accessing the computer as Tucker runs up to them

Tucker: so uh...what are you guys up to?

Carolina: that's need to know

Tucker: yeah I know could always tell me! We can keep it between us! We're both just a couple of badass rebels with same armor color! Greenish Blue! Uh...aqua marine? Turquoise? What the fuck is this color?!

Wash: look Tucker, we're finding all the information we can but there's still not enough we could salvage through CT's datapad

Vermont then looks at the computer and notices the circular body that Epsilon used to have

Vermont: hey wasn't that Epsilon's old body?

Wash: know about this artifact?

Vermont: yeah, I didn't know it was the artifact though

Carolina: why didn't you tell me?!

Vermont: because I didn't think it was important!

Carolina: ugh....well where is it now?

Red vs Blue: Agent VermontWhere stories live. Discover now