Chapter 13

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Like i promised, here is the next chapter. Thanks so much for 1.9K views everyone:3 Enjoy!


All of this chap. will be Yoona's POV. 

When i said "Baekk..Is that you..? I felt Yura taking her hands off of my face. The first thing I saw was Baeks outfit, it was so stylish but comfy at the same time. Then I looked up and saw Baekhyun who looked at Yura leaving, you turned around and saw her getting into her car and as soon as the car started, you felt Baekhyun dragging you by your wrist inside the door, which will lead you to the beach. It looked so nice, there was a heart shapped with stones around the table where you two was going to have dinner.

The way to the table was also decorated with white stones which made it look even more nice. You looked at your right and then left, no one was there, only you and Baek. The voice of the water was not loud cause it was really sunny and the perfect day to swim. There was also some music playing by the speakers. It was now playing "Only One" by BoA. It felt so good being there with him. You turned around to him when he said "How is it? Did i do a good job preparing these? :3" He looked you while waiting for you to answer. "This...this is Beautiful! When did you prepare all this?" "Secret!" you looked frustrated cause he was not going to tell you. He laughed lightly and winked at you. That made you blush a bit and he could clearly see it.  

Then he took a look at your oufit which you didn't know that he picked it for you. " look so beautiful!" "Well, you look really handsome Baek!" "Do I..? Haha, did you know that i picked this outfit for you? Both the dress and the bikini!" When you heard the word bikini you blushed, you looked like a tomato and answered "Really..? W-well then y-you really have a good taste Baek! :D" "Don't be embarrassed! I'm your boyfriend now and I really want to see your sexy body!" "Geumaneh!" You once again blushed and hit him lightly on his arm. "What do we do now?" You asked him and waited for his answer. "You should let me see your body so lets swim. Hmm?" He asked and took of his shirt and his shorts. He had his swimming shorts under his shorts so it was okay. You looked at his stomach to see if had abs and you was kinda surprised. "Mwoh? You thought I didn't have abs? Well i do but i still have to work on them." You blushed and looked away.

You took of your dress really fast and started running in the water, he chased you and he unfortunaly catched you. He grabbed you from your waist and turned you around to face him. You was quite embarrassed so you put your hands on your face so that he couldn't see you beeing as red as tomato. He looked at your body and said "Wow, you look so hot, like I was expecting! I'm so happy that now you're all MINE and no one else's." He leaned in, took your hands off of your face and hugged you tighly, "Don't be embarrassed, you're MINE!" He said softly. He then let you from the hug and put his hands on your neck leaning in and in. As you saw that, you quickly closed your eyes and thought that he would kiss you but... when he saw you closing your eyes he kindly laughed, kissed your forehead and hugged you again. 

After beeing like that for 1 minute, he let go of the hug, hold your hand and took you in the water. The water was not too cold but either too warm. You swimed for 15 minutes together, doind competitions to see who swim faster, chase each other and play together. He suddenly went in the water with his body  and was there for a while, you got worried and went in to look for him. When you went in you saw him there looking at you and coming closer and closer. Your heart started beating sooo fast. You wanted to escape but it was already too late... He grabbed you by your waist and leaned in kindly. You knew what was going to happen so you  closed your eyes really fast. He leaned in this time he didn't want to tease you, he couldn't endure it more felt his warm and solf lips touch yours. Your first kiss, your very first kiss was under the water. It felt different, you two were different from others and that made you happy. The kiss lasted for some seconds, after letting go of the kiss he hugged you and pulled you out of the water carring you in a bridal style. 

He put you down and reached a bag which was beside the table, he took out a plastic bag and gave it to you. He somehow knew that you didn't want to wear the dress that he gave you again so he gave you new clothes. "Here, go and change in that room. I hope you like it!" He pointed the room at the corner and you went in without looking at the clothes he gave you. You opened the door, entered, locked and looked at the clothes he gave you. There was a dark red sweater, some black shorts, black see-through tights, black knee socks, black croptop, some black high heels ancle boots and a red plaid shirt. You was quite surprised seing the clothes cause you didn't know he had this good taste in schoosing clothes for you. You quickly got changed and looked at the mirror. You wore first the black croptop and the see-through tights, then you wore the knee socks on the the tights and then the shorts, you lastly wore the sweater, boots and tied the red plaid shirt around your waist. You was now ready to go.

You went out and Baekhyun was waiting for you there sitting in the chair. When he saw you coming, his jaw dropped, you looked really beautiful. He was wearing a confy read plaid shirt with the bottoms oppen and under it a black simple shirt with some black skinny jeanes and some black and red snickers. You two really did match with each other. He stand up and when you approached the table he pulled the chair for you to seat. After 10 minutes of talking, a man came and served your dinner. You ate peacefully while talking to each other about yourselves. After the dinner you stand up and took a walk at the beach while holding hands and talking.

You didn't know that he could make your first date so romantic and comfortable. It was getting a bit cold while getting dark so you both decided to go sit on the sand. Baek put something on the sand so you could sit and took out a blanket from his bag. He put it around you and then got in himself. He put hands around your sholders and hugged you. "Woah, look at the stars, it's so beautiful!" you said while looking at the sky "I know but not as beautiful as you!" you blashed but fortunally it was dark so he couldn't see that. You stayed like that for an hour, talking and looking at the stars. You couldn't hold it anymore so you fell asleep as your head fall to his shoulder. 

The next thing you remember was you looking at him and saying "Goodnight Baek!" You woke up at an unfamiliar place, you looked around and saw Baek in the couch sleeping. You quickly stood up and put a blanket on him. He was sleeping peacefully and you really thought that at this moment he was the cutest. Then you heard someone coming and opening the door, you was shocked why is she.....


So here is the next chap :D I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. Yoonas clothes are in the multimedia so check it out! :D Hope you liked it, comment and vote it :D As i promised you to upload the next chap when this story gets 2K views, i can't do that cause i think we're going to get 2K today so it is not possible. The next chap will be up on Tuesday:) Love U my readers :D <3 

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