Graduation choice

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Chapter: 1

Year: 840

-Verity's Pov

Tomorrow is the day that I'll be choosing the path for the rest of my long or very short life. I've always looked at things in life with a happy-go-lucky attitude. A lot of people would consider me loud and always happy. But of course I have my serious side.

Today I decided I would wear my hair up in a high ponytail, no makeup! Oh ya being all natural is the best! I quickly got my uniform on and went to head out for breakfast.


"So what are you going to chose, Verity?"

"Um. I still haven't decided."

"Really? Well I'm going to the military police!" A boy names Caleb bragged. He was the one that got ranked first, "you know you could too!"

"Ya I know." I got ranked 7th. Probably only because I'm smart and fast. I have no strength whatsoever, "but that's the last place I'd want to go."

"What!? Why!?"

"Just they don't ever actually do anything or help humanity at all."

"But you get the easy life!"

"I know. But the easy way isn't always the best way out."

"Man, I don't think I've ever seen you so serious."

"It shows I do have a serious side I guess!" I said giving him a grin, "now if you'd excuse me, I have a day to think about my future!" On that note, I raced out of the dining hall and outside to my "thinking tree". Anytime I'd just need to relax I'd go there. I went and sat down.

This decision really is big. The only two appealing options to me are the Garrison and the Survey Corps. I really don't want to join the Garrison and be stuck with my dad. He's one of the main reasons I left home. So basically my choice is well.... The Survey Corps. I took a deep breath. I know I may get made fun of for my choice, but at least I may be some of a help for humanity. I mean why wouldn't I want to make new discoveries!? And learn all about titans... Ok maybe this choice isn't wicked appealing but, I'm sticking to my guns. I won't hesitate and I'm going to stand talk and confident! I threw my fist in the air.

"I see you're giving yourself another pep talk." I turned to see my best friend for the past 14 years, Matt.

"Ya I did."

"I'm gonna go with which branch you chose."


"Survey Corps."

"How did you know!?" I squealed.

"Well I know you so well."

"Ugh ya! What about you."

"Same, Verity. It's the only one that actually does something to advance forward. And besides, I need to look over you."

"I shouldn't be the reason why."

"You're only one fourth of the reason."

"Oh that makes me feel better." I teased softly shoving him.


"So what's everyone going to chose?" Matt asked at dinner.

"Military Police!" Caleb practically sang.

"Garrison." Kylie smiled.

"Same, Garrison."

"Military Police." Basically everyone said Garrison until I decided to say mine,

"Survey Corps." Everyone stared at me.


"Survey Corps as well." Matt spoke up.

"You two are crazy." Caleb scoffed.

"At least we won't be sitting around all day." Matt stared him down.

"But we'll be protecting the people while you go and get yourselves killed!"

"Matt don't start."

"Fine." Luckily he backed down.

"All the Survey Corps does is waste money." Caleb smirked.

"Don't be such a dick, Caleb." Kylie said.

"Oh shut up."

"I'm going to call it a night, everyone. Bye!" I called as I left.

"Nice knowing you!" Caleb called back. Dick.

"You too!"


"AARRGHHHH!" Before I knew it I was being dragged out of bed.

"Time to go! Hurry up!"

"Gosh dangit Matt!"

"Get dressed!" I groaned, "I guess I'm going to have to help, aren't I?" I groaned again, "you have 10 minutes until the ceremony."

"WHAT!" As soon as Matt said that I was already out of my clothes and shoving on my uniform. I could care less that he was standing there, "alright let's go!" I'm pretty sure that's a record time for getting ready.

"Ok we're almost there!!!"

"Run faster!"

"I'm trying!"

"There you two idiots are. Come on and hurry up, we're lining up." Caleb said.

-"Choosing Time"-

"I'm Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps, and this is Corporal Levi Ackerman of the Survey Corps. All cadets choosing the Garrison or MIlitary Police, which you must be in the Top Ten for, please exit the area now. Those choosing the Survey Corps please stay."

Many other Cadets struggled with their chooce. Most left, only a few stayed. Matt and I who were side by side, seemed confident enough about our decision. I bet everyone in the Survey Corps expects to not even get an recruits.

"Since this seems to conclude everything. Welcome to the Survey Corps." And with that, the Commander walked off followed by the Corporal and a few others.

"Hey the Corporal is almost your height!" Matt nudged me.

"No, he seems taller."

"Only by a few inches though."

"Still it's funny that Humanity's Strongest Soldier is so short."

"Don't be mean."

"I can if I wanna be."

"I dare you to say that to his face."

"Oh shit, not sure how that'd go."

"You never know, he may be nice!"

"He looked like an angry serial killer."

"So? Don't judge by looks! I bet he's nice!"

"Ok it's a bet. If he's mean, your my slave for a week. If he's nice, I'm your slave."

"Sounds like a deal!"

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