Love feels like war

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[A/N btw readers who I love dearly, I write all my stories on my phone and it's a pain (sorry about spelling errors) and I got the iPhone 6 so I'm happy and I'm hoping it will be easier]

Chapter: 17

Year: 840

-Verity's Pov

Having Caleb in the Survey Corps has been the worst thing ever. He knows I'm with Levi, but he doesn't seem to care. So that means Levi's 100 threats a day do absolutely nothing. Last time a few punches were thrown... But I think we all know who won... And all this stupid drama is causing Levi and I to fight. And that's the last thing I want. We've been together for close to three-ish months now and I didn't realize fights like this could happen so early. I mean, I'm trying to avoid him because he's always in a terrible mood, and he's been getting way too possessive. The last conversation we had ended up with me running out of his office crying. That was last week, and we haven't seen each other since. Hanji said he's not doing too well, but right now, I don't care. I want to be alone, that's all. And I'm just not sure what's gonna happen with Levi and I... I really don't want to fight, but I was just so hurt the other night. Even Matt and Rose had a hard time cheering me up. And I always told myself to never cry over a guy, guess that failed... Sadly, EVERYONES noticed how depressed I've been lately. I mean you'd probably see that the most happiest person ever had a rain cloud overhead. Which that means everyone's been trying to cheer me up. I'm doing well now, I'm trying to stay strong so when I do see Levi, I can just stop everything. I don't know if I want to be with him right now. I'm starting to think Caleb's a better choice lately... And I can't believe I'm saying that.

"Verity, come on! We have training." Rose grabbed my hand dragging me out. Today Levi was gonna be training us again. Hanji had taken over for awhile. We all had a blast for once. Instead of running laps, we all bonded and worked with maneuvering gear. And of course hand-to-hand combat.

"Don't worry I coming!"

"I don't want you to worry Ver. I know how you get. And with Levi being there-"

"I'm fine actually. I would like to hopefully show him I'm fine and I could care less."

"OOH! Lovin' it! And I figured we should factor in some jealousy..."


"One word... Caleb."


"Does he notice me?" I whispered.

"No... Come on! Matt's over there." Rose and I scurried behind fellow trainees to get to Matt.

"There you guys are!" Matt smiled.

"Finally I know." Rose laughed as the happy couple hugged. I'm so very joyous for those two.

"You know Ver, I'm sorry stuff's not working out." Matt rubbed his hands together.

"It's fine. This kind of stuff happens. And maybe it's for the best!" I smiled trying to act convincing. There was a part of me that wanted to break up but another part that would die if that happened.

"Oh come on Ver..."

"Truly... I don't know."

"It'll be fine." Rose eloped me in a hug.

"Thanks you guys."

"ALRIGHT BRATS!" Levi's voice boomed. We all immediately stopped talking, "Since I've been gone, Hanji probably took it easy on all of you! So today's gonna be hell for those who haven't worked hard. Start engaging in combat!"

Matt and Rose immediately chose one another, and I knew I was going for Caleb. We've actually been on decent terms lately.

"Ay Verity, partners?" Caleb found me before I could find him.

"Sure! I was just gonna ask."

"Cool. Let's begin. And I'm not gonna go easy."

"I hope you don't!"

I quickly got into my fighting stance, ready for Caleb to make a move. We stared each other down, circling. We now took our fights pretty seriously, always trying to beat one another. Sadly, I have yet to win. I've gotten close, but Caleb has to much skill that I can't compare to. Maybe if I hadn't gotten sick I could...

"Argh!" I grabbed my face as I stumbled backwards.

"Pay attention."

I ducked as his fist came around again and I jetted out my leg kicking him in the gut causing him to stumble. He grunted something.

Once again in a fighting stance, Caleb turned a little pale. He grabbed my arm thrusting me forward.

"Your boyfriends watching. I'll let you beat me to show off." I whispered.


"Ya, go ahead."

"Thanks. I owe ya." He nodded.

I whipped my arm out of his hold, elbowing him in the nose, doing a roundhouse kick to the stomach. He fell to the ground, and I pinned him there.

We did a back and forth struggle to make our fight look believable, but in the end I had pinned him so he "couldn't" get up.

"I won." I winked, helping him up.

"Ya for a first." He jokingly pushed me.

"Ahem. That's enough. Verity with me. Now." I whipped around to see Levi looking like he wanted to kill...

"Uh y-yes sir." I grimly followed him, wondering about my doom.

Yours Forever (Corporal Levi Ackerman)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant