The present past

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Chapter: 19

Year: 840

-Levi's Pov

Since Verity wanted to talk about pasts, I figured why not. She would have found out mine anyways.

*** [A/N everyone should know about Levi's past]

Verity looked shocked to find out about my criminal past. She just hadn't thought that I had been forced to join the Survey Corps.

"Wow... And I thought mine was bad. I just can't believe that." She breathed out.

"That doesn't make you think any less of me right?"

"Well of course not!"

"Ok, well it's your turn."

"Alright," she immediately just seemed to want to disappear, not wanting to talk about it, "it all started when my mom died. Both my parents were in the Garrison, but something happened one day that killed my mom. They said there was some accident, but I don't believe that. She had always believed there was more outside the walls, and she had always wished to join the Survey Corps. So I think she was killed. But after she died, my dad started drinking and eventually became abusive," why the hell would someone treat her like that?! "I actually still have marks... But I told Matt what was happening and he told his parents. Of course I was immediately taken from my dad and I lived with Matt. That's why we're so close besides knowing each other for years. But right before I joined the military, my dad came to me. He begged me not to go and I was all he had left of my mom. I told him I didn't care and I just left. I-I never said an actual goodbye and he could think I'm dead..." Tears began to well in her eyes, slowly leaking. I didn't realize such a happy person dealt with that kind of shit. I almost figured she just wanted to fight with no motive.


"I'm fine." No you aren't.

"I didn't realize you had something like this bothering you. You can always talk to me."

"You seemed to have it worse- I just don't feel like I'm in a situation to be pitied-"

"And I don't think you are. Everyone goes through something different. Don't compare us, because life won't throw something at you that you can't handle. Also, I grew up living that life. You're life one day just came crashing down, and I'm a lot older."

"Ya... Um just how old are you?"

"Thirty." [A/N I'm making him a little bit younger]


"That doesn't bother you does it?"

"Not really..." I stared at her intently. I could tell she was lying but didn't feel like pressuring her. I know she has a lot on her mind.

"You don't think it was bad how I just left my dad?"

"After what he did, I don't think so." She nodded.

But it was very apparent that even though this happened a few years ago, it's something that still haunts her today.

-Verity's Pov

I just blatantly stared out the window in Levi's office. The only person who knew that much about me had always been Matt. I never talked about it either. But now Levi knows, so he may want to talk with me on it just because he sees it troubles me.

I was definitely shocked to find out Levi was once an infamous underground thug. And that Erwin had forced him to join the Corps. I never expected that. But I felt horrible when he told me how his two friends Farlan and Isabel died. After that he had risen in the ranks quickly and a few years later it's now.

I had expected Levi had some backstory a little on the downside because of how he acted but not that bad. I can't imagine having to steal, murder... WAIT. Has he ever killed anyone?

Ok not thinking about that.

I'm pretty sure Levi could also tell I was lying when I said the age difference didn't bother me... I knew he was older but not twelve years. Maybe it shouldn't bother me, but I don't know. It's not like I don't want to not see him any more. I especially didn't expect him to be thirty years old. He looks so much younger.

I plopped down on Levi's bed closing my eyes. A nap was definitely something I needed right now. Crying always makes me more exhausted, and I hate crying...... Eventually before I realized it sleep overcame me.

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