You're my slave!

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Chapter: 2

Year: 840

-Verity's Pov

I'm really hoping I win this bet. I've been Matt's slave before, when we were 10... Not fun. I had to do ALL his chores and ugh I wanted to kill him. Now that we're older... Who knows what he has in store.


"YES YOURE MY SLAVE!" Matt jumped up and down screaming.
Yep. I lost. The Corporal is a complete OCD jerk who likes to make people run. I'm not gonna lie, he's pretty attractive too.... But I wouldn't tell Matt that! He'd torture me until no end!

But anyways. Doing one little thing wrong, ends up with you running about 100 laps. Matt found out the hard way by talking back. Why would he do that!? I'm pretty sure Matt hates him. And THEN we all had to clean the dining room about 5 times. Every little cranny... And ooohhh I thought my mom was bad with my room back when she was alive... How do people deal with him!? Ergh. Now it's starting to dawn on me that this is going to be my life for awhile, or barely at all.

But hey! At least the Commander is nice. I had to bring him some papers and we chatted. BUT THEN I MET HANJI... And I thought I could get hyper. She is a whole different level, and I LOVE it! I can totally tell we're gonna be friends.

"So my slave, you have to do all my chores that Corporal Shorty assigned me." Oh and I forgot to mention he got assigned a week of cleaning chores.

How convenient for me.

"Yay! Let's do this!" I said over enthusiastically.

"Now time to relax."


"Hurry up, slave."

"Fine I'll hurry up."

I went and trudged off towards the upstairs part of HQ to clean. This was going to take awhile.

-2 hours later-

"Oi brat, where's that Matt kid. These are his chores." I immediately froze. What do I do? I can't rat him out.

"Oh um, sir! Uh Matt wasn't feeling well so I offered to do them!" I tried to do a perfect salute.

"Tch, he seemed fine earlier. Clean it again."

"Yes sir!" I then heard heard him mumble,

"Cute." I don't think I was suppose to hear that. Oops. I felt my whole body heat up. Especially my face. Sighing, I got back to work.

-the next day-

"Alright, Verity. Next is cleaning the Corporal's room." Matt smirked.



"But he asked where you were yesterday!"

"Whatever, bye!" I sprinted down the hall to the Corporal's room. This ought to be interesting. I approached the door and knocked.

"Name and purpose for knocking on my damn door."

"Oh um Verity Abbott sir and um I um have to do Matt's chores cause he's still not well enough."

"Come in." He sounded angry. Cautiously, I entered, closing the door, "come here, brat." I swiftly approached, "now. Why the hell are you doing Matt's chores for him."

"Well, sir. He's not feeling well and we've known each other for many years, so I'm doing a favor."

"Tch. Well, you're here so clean. I want everything spotless."

"Yes, sir." My cheeks heated up, and I'm positive he noticed because I caught him smirking.

-the last day of being Matt's slave-

I actually didn't hate being Matt's slave. For some reason the Corporal would always show up, and just chat with me as I cleaned. Even though he would then make me do it many times over again. For some reason I didn't mind.

"So how much longer are you going to be stuck doing your friend's chores." I jumped, not expecting him to be there.

"Today should be my last." I stuttered.

"Pity. You're not as worse as the other cadets are. And much easier to converse with."

"Thank you, sir. I, um guess."

"Tch." He murmured and walked away.

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