The first kiss

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Chapter: 6

Year: 840

-Verity's Pov

I'm actually worried that Hanji told Levi I liked him. How will he react? He most likely doesn't like me back. I mean, I'm small and weak. And I also lack in the common sense department. Of all people, why would the Corporal of the Survey Corps aka Humanity's Strongest like me!? I just figured I'd be stuck with Matt for the rest of my life.

At this moment, I'm casually strolling down the halls. About 30 minutes ago was my talk with Hanji. As I said, I'm pretty worried. Oh! I should find Matt and talk to him about it. His advice shouldn't be terrible. But I'm mainly looking for his ok. Not sure why. He's my best friend, so he should support me with everything. I mean, I'm part of the reason he joined the Survey Corps.

But... I know he likes me. I don't want to hurt him. Maybe I won't say anything.

"Oi Verity!" Of course that voice could only belong to Levi.

"Hi! How are you!" I grinned.

"Tch." He moved right in front of me, awfully close. Each time I would step back, he would step closer.

"L-Levi?" My back touched the wall. Levi leaned down,

"Is what Hanji told me true?"

"Uhh what did she tell you?"

"That you like me. That you've never been kissed..." His voice trailed off as he nipped my ear, "is it?"

"Y-yes..." I said awkwardly.

"Good because, I like you too brat." His lips were centimeters from mine. My whole body wasn't responding, and I didn't know what to do. I saw a small smirk appearing on Levi's lips. He could tell I was inexperienced. And of course he was going to take advantage.

Levi's lips pressed onto mine, a lot softer than I expected. Which I was grateful for. He softly kissed me probably waiting for me to respond. So I tried. I kissed back, his lips immediately dominating. His hands moved to my waist, holding me against the wall. That allowed me to wrap my arms around his neck, standing on my toes. Our lips stayed connected for quite some time before I pulled away, my face bright red.

"Tch." He muttered, "that was so obvious it was your first kiss."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Both. It was cute though." If my face could get any redder, it did. He softly pecked my lips.


"Let me talk."


"Now Verity, our feelings for one another can be public to some extent, but now that we're going to be in a relationship, that can not be public at all. Got it?"


"But that doesn't mean guys can go and flirt with you, so I'd keep Matt in check."

"Ok." I couldn't help but blush.

"And I will still be treating you like everyone else."

"Sounds fair."

"So the real question is, is if you'll actually agree to being in a relationship with me." He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, Levi."

"Good." His lips connected with mine for barely a second, "I have a meeting with Erwin. My office at 9." I quickly nodded.

As quickly as he had appeared, he was gone. I smiled. My stomach was filled with butterflies and my skin still felt his touch. I raised my hand to my lips. This is unbelievable.

Now, how am I going to keep this a secret? I'm good with secrets but, I can never hold my smile or blushes down. I haven't exactly mastered the stoic expression like Levi has. But the real problem will be Matt. How could I hide this from him? How will he react? I know he likes me.

-9:04 pm-

Alright, I need to get to Levi's room. And now. I'm already late, so he'll probably kill me.

I raced down the hallway, almost there. Almost there... Yes!

I quickly knocked.

"Come in." I stepped in, closing the door, "lock it." I did so.


"You're late."

"Ya I'm sorry I fell asleep."

"Tch. Learn to be on time."

"Ok." I started playing with my fingers.

"Come here." He motioned for me to sit right next to him. Of course I did.

As soon as I sat down, his lips were on mine. Kissing back, I felt him putting most of his weight on top, leaving me stuck under him. Why do I have to be so small. Needing air, I pushed him lightly.


"Tch. You're staying here tonight."


"You heard me."


"But what?"

"I don't really um, know how comfortable I am with-"

"I won't do anything if that's what you're thinking."


"But I'm not giving you any other option. Nights are the only time we'll be able to see each other, so don't complain. You'll be here each night."

"Ok, that's fine."


"Levi, I'm really tired-"

"Then sleep. I have paperwork to do."

"Ok um-"

"My rooms through that door." I nodded.

"Goodnight Levi." I kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Night. And fold your stuff neatly."


-Levi's Pov

I'm glad that I can call that brat mine. Now I have to deal with that friend of hers...

It was a pity she was tired and went to sleep. I should join her soon. But she did seem uncomfortable with this, but she's still young and hasn't been with a guy so it's new to her.

I got up from my desk and retreated to my room. Verity was already asleep. She was a pure thing to look at. Luckily she folded up her uniform neatly. I'll just move it over here, out of the way.

I went and changed, climbing into bed next to her. I had to move her more towards the wall, so I could fit. Bed hog. She groaned, tossing around. Hmm poor thing. Attempting to calm her down I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. Her heart beat returned to normal and her soft breaths tickled my neck. I pulled her into the crook of my neck.

My eyes began to droop, slowly, I began to lose consciousness.

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