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[A/N I'm hoping no one hates me...]

Chapter: 15

Year: 840

-Verity's Pov

-1 month later-

This past month has been quite interesting actually. Yes, I've been getting over pneumonia (pretty fast mainly because of Levi...) but now that I'm back in training... Things have been pretty bad. I seriously lost all strength and just will to go on. I felt like I was learning from the very beginning all over again. And it sucks. It came to the point Levi had to start training me one on one cause well, I was terrible. His patience seemed spent most of the time but he does his best with me not to snap.

Something really weird is happening though... Apparently someone from the Military Police is coming here! To the Survey Corps... I'm not sure why, or who for that matter. I could probably just ask Levi... But that rumor has been going around like wild fire AND Erwin approved it. So either this person had a change of heart or did something bad. The second option seems more likely.

-Caleb's Pov (you're welcome)

I can not believe I'm getting moved to the Survey Corps! Apparently stealing, drug use, constant disturbance, and having affairs with two squad leaders isn't allowed!? No one told me! But they had to send me to the fucking Survey Corps... Why not the Garrison!? It would've been better there. I'd really rather not ever have to see a titan, but I think I am now. I bet all these people are like suicidal and believe in humanity too much. It makes me want to get sick.

The only part of this that may be good is Verity. That is if she's still alive... But I doubt she died... I realize we didn't get along, but I've always been in love with her. Who wouldn't be? That luscious long hair and her- dammit whenever I talk about her I get carried over board. But I know I'm going to win her over.

-Verity's Pov

"Ugh do I have to!?" I groaned as Levi assigned me kitchen duty. For some reason I could get away with whining.


"I want to stay with you!"

"Just for once I think we can be apart. You're starting to get too clingy Verity."

"I don't see why that's bad!" Ok I basically never left Levi's side, ever since being sick I've relied on him.

"You can't become dependent on me." I can see where he's coming from.

"Ok." As soon as I went to turn away, a hand tugged at my wrist.

Coming face to face with Levi, he planted a soft kiss on my lips. He whispered a "see you later" and left me to my chores.


My fingertips to my elbow were numb, on both arms. And even my knees were sore. That is why I hate cleaning. I don't know how Levi does this all the time. It's not like I feel good about myself and successful after hours of cleaning a kitchen.

In about a few minutes the new member of the Corps will be arriving, so I'm quite curious. You can tell everyone is because that's the only conversation going on within the HQ.


"Hey Matt hey Rose!"

"THE PERSONS HERE COME ON!" Matt was dragging Rose down the hall towards me, immediately grabbing me and dragging the both of us.

"Could you get any more excited!?" Rose scolded.


"Watch as it's someone we all hated from training." I said. Matt and Rose groaned in agreement.


"CALEB!?" All three of us cadets shouted at the top of our lungs. This can't be! NOOO!

-Caleb's Pov

"CALEB!?" Three former fellow trainees yelled as they approached me. All three seemed shocked.

Sadly Verity looked upset to see me. Why would my beautiful flower not want to see me?

"Hello my dear Verity. Happy to see me?" I approached her widening my arms.

"NO! You were such a jerk to me!" That hurt.

"But I want to make things right my love!" I came closer.

"Stay away!" She screeched running away. Matt immediately stepped in front of me, and the other girl who I believe to be Rose ran after Verity.

"Back off dick." Matt's eyes narrowed.

"She'll be mine. Not yours."

"I have a girlfriend, but Verity's my best friend so back off. I know you won't be welcomed here."

"How dare you-"

"You must be Caleb. Come with me." A tall muscular blonde spoke with a stoic expression. He must be Commander Erwin.

"Sure." As I turned to walk away from Matt, I made sure to give him a killer glare. Of course he returned it.

All I know is that Verity will be mine.

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