That girl

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Chapter: 3

Year: 840

-Levi's Pov

-2 weeks later-

Verity Abbott. She's kind and a diligent worker. Her cleaning abilities are decent enough compared to everyone else's. And I can never stop from watching her during training. She's unbelievably fast and smart. No wonder she's 7th. I did hear that if she was stronger she would've gotten higher... And they were right. The girl can barely lift 15 pounds. I'm surprised she can even carry around the 3DMG gear. Oh and the girl's cut marks on the dummy titans are barely deep enough. I've given her some pointers, so she's not as bad now. But when I said the girl was smart, it's just she had no common sense. It drives me crazy. The girl is so fucking innocent!

The way her hair whips around when she's going in for an attack or the way she's always cheering on her friends, causes my heart to speed up. And I don't even know why. I've only known her for a week and I'm not sure if we could even be acquaintances. But one day, I could swear I saw her blush during one of our conversations. But now it's been 2 weeks and we've barely talked...

Even if it's the last thing I do, it will be smash Matt Robert's head in! All he does is talk back, no matter how many laps I make him run or floors I make him clean. And then he thinks he can go and flirt with Verity constantly. I get they're friends, but I can't help but be jealous. I now know I need to get on a better level with her. Except, I'm not sure how I'm going to do that. I don't have a very preferable attitude I've been told. So this may be hard.

"Hey Shorty, quit staring at Verity!"

"Shut up, shitty glasses."

"It's so obvious you like her!"

"Didn't I say to shut up."

"Oh come on! It's at the point Erwin's getting me to investigate!"

"That manipulative bastard."

"Well you better start talking to her again or that Matt kid might make a move."

"If I hear you voice-"

"HEY VERITY! COME HERE!" Verity quickly scuffled over.

"You needed me, Hanji?"

"Nope! But now you're here..." She grabbed Verity's arm and shoved her into me, "BYE!" I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Her. I turned to see Verity's face bright red. I then realized I was on top of her.

"I'm sorry. Damn Shitty Glasses." I grumbled helping the small girl up.

"It's fine, sir."

"Tch. Why don't you come to my office after dinner." The way I said it made it sound like a command.

"Ok, sir." She casually walked away. I hope I didn't freak her out.


I left the dining hall early from dinner hoping to finish up some paperwork. I might have to force Verity to help me. That brat better remember. Though she doesn't seem like the person to just forget.

*knock knock*

Wow. Pretty much on time.

"Come in." She entered the room, closing the door.

"You waned to talk, sir?"



"Call me Levi."

"Alright... Um Levi. Sorry it's I'm used to-"

"Tch." She stayed quiet awkwardly standing there, "sit." Verity nodded and sat in the chair I pointed to, right by my side, "mind helping me real quick?"

"Not at all!" She exclaimed, "paperwork can't be that bad, right?" She has no idea.

"It's the worst fucking thing ever. Don't blame me when you go blind."

"Oh um ok. What exactly would you like me to help with."

"Just go over these and see if it's important or not, and just let me know."

"How can I tell if it's important?"

"Tch. If it's from the damned MP's, just give it to me. Anything else put to the side. Those bastards are impatient."

"Ok, sir." I shot her a look, "Levi. Sorry."


"Here, these two are from the Commander of the Military Police."

"Great. I'll have Erwin deal with these." She nodded, "Verity?"


"Can I trust you not to talk about anything in these documents?"

"Of course! I will never talk about classified things without permission."

"Good. Why don't you head to bed. I'll excuse you from training and chores. But you must be in my office by 2."

"Ok, Levi. I appreciate it! I don't mean to sound weird, but I think you're nice. A lot of people don't see that, but I'm glad I do." Her smile warmed my heart. Just that statement hit me hard. I'm glad she sees more than me always being a jerk.

"Verity." She stopped at the door and turned, smiling. "Thank you."

"Of course, Levi!" She waved and skipped out. I smiled to myself. I really need to keep her around more.

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