I'll be right here

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Chapter: 14

Year: 840

-Levi's Pov

-few weeks later-

It broke my heart to see Verity like this. She was always so bright, but now it's like the light has turned off. All she does is sleep and eat the food I force her to accept. She no longer has any strength or endurance to train. So everything I had been helping her to build up is gone. Luckily she takes her medicine and follows my directions. I've also made sure that everything is beyond my definition of clean. It may be driving her crazy, but it's for her own good.


"Yes, what do you need." I immediately rushed over to her. She hasn't had any fresh air in weeks and has grown a lot weaker.

"Lay with me?"

"Of course." I lifted the the covers, lying my body besides Verity's. She immediately snuggled her body against mine as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Levi how long will it be until I get better?"

"Hopefully soon." I brushed some stray hairs out of her pale face, "please rest."

"No, I want this to go away."

I sighed, "I know, but there's some things you can't do yet until certain symptoms go away."

"Ok..." She sighed depressively.


-Verity's Pov

-3 days later-

I'm done! I've seriously had it of just staying inside in Levi's room/office and never leaving! It's been over a month and I pretty much haven't seen anyone but Levi, Erwin, and Hanji. They aren't bad company and all but, I wanna see Matt and Rose really badly!

Besides, I think I should be ok to get up and go around. Soooo, I'm gonna go directly against Levi and leave the room!

I made my way to the door of his office, a little bit disoriented. I can't believe I'm doing this. I mean Levi's wicked intimidating. Like worse than a titan sometimes.... And I'm going against what he said. Oh well.

My hand gripped the door knob. Exhaling loudly I twisted it open letting the door creak open a bit.

Here goes nothing.

I flung open the door stepping in. Inhaling I took in the "outside" air, causing me to cough. Maybe I'm being stupid but oh well.

I haven't been up and walking much so this whole walking things like foreign to me now. Laughing nervously I continued to head down the hall towards Matt's room. Hopefully him and Rose will be there.

*knock knock*

"Uh come in." I heard Matt's voice and a feminine giggle.

"Heyy long time no see!" I smiled brightly.

"VERITY!" Rose and Matt yelled jumping on me pulling me into a hug.

"Oh man I missed you guys too." I said gasping for some air.

"We haven't seen you in so long!" Rose exclaimed.

"Ya! Corporal hasn't let any of us 'filthy cadets' see you!" Matt yelled fuming. I tried to stifle my laughter,

"That sounds like him!"

"But are you feeling ok?" Rose asked.

"Ya I do. I just got sooo bored. Levi's been really strict with me so that's probably why I've recovered pretty well."

"We can thank him for that."

"But I'm not exactly supposed to be here so... Let's hope I'm not caught." I said nervously.

"We'll just hide you!" Matt pronounced.

"Great idea Matt." Rose groaned, "I'm pretty sure he'd still find her."

"Oh ya good point."

"But anyways Verity! You need sun and food! You're so pale and skinny!" Rose commented.

"And you seem to have a hard time walking." Matt noted.

"Ya, I know. I've just grown a lot weaker."

"We can see that alright."

"But anyways, can we continue on with whatever agenda."



-5 hours later-

This has been great! I've had a lot of fun being with my friends, even though we had to avoid Levi a lot. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed my absence... Then again he's busy and I'm always sleeping during this time.

Even though I'm still weak and not as 'peppy' as before, I'm still able to have fun.

Many people seemed surprised to see me, but happy all the less.

-Levi's Pov

I was shocked. Where the fuck is Verity? Did she seriously go against something I said?! She's not well enough to go out and fool around! She should know that... The last thing I want is for her to get worse. And I'm beyond pissed. And I think I know exactly who she's with.

I swiftly strode down the hall towards Matt's room. I have a feeling she'll be with that shitty brat and his girlfriend.

I rapped on the door four sharp times.

"Coming!" The door flung open, "C-corpora-"

"Where's verity."

"Hey Levi!" My Verity gave a hesitant wave.

"Get the fuck over here. You disobeyed myself AND doctors orders."

"Ok." I could just tell she felt guilty.

"Bye Ver." Her two friends said. Matt looked pissed off.


"I'm sorry Levi."

"Explain to me why the fuck you thought that sneaking out would be ok? And how the hell did you manage it for that long?" Verity nervously chuckled.

"Well first I was sick of being stuck in a room for a month and well the second part is a long story."

"I understand but I can't have you getting more sick even though you've been a lot better. And I have all night to hear this long story."

"It has to do with my past and I don't want to get into it."

"Alright. Well soon how about we each tell each other about one another's past."

"That sounds good."

"Ok. Now sleep."

[A/N so I'm gonna try to get away from Verity being sick and add something else in that may cause controversy but who knows XD]

Yours Forever (Corporal Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now