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Chapter: 7

Year: 840

-Verity's Pov

-1 month later-

"Oi brat! Get up!" I felt the safe covers of my bed being ripped off me.


"Get. Up." Levi hissed.

"No." I felt him grab my face and pulling it to his.

"Do not. Talk. Back to. Me."

"I'm s-sorry." I stuttered.

"Now why the hell are you still in bed?"

"I-I overslept, Levi." He scoffed.

"Do not. Do it again. Understand?"

"Y-yes." I flinched when he grabbed me.

"And I'm not going to hurt you, so don't flinch."


"Get up and change now." I got out of bed, standing up.

"Um could you maybe leave while I change?"



"Besides, tomorrow's your first expedition."

"I know." I stripped off my pjs, putting on my garments.

"Are you nervous." Luckily Levi seemed a lot more calm now.

"Ya. I mean. I could die."

"You won't."

"How do you know?"

"Because I won't let that happen."


"Let me help. You're too slow." Levi approached and grabbed the belts. He quickly helped me get the rest of the uniform on. Man he's fast, "there. Now. 300 laps for not showing up to training."

"Ok..." I said depressively. That was the last thing I wanted to do right now. Before I exited the room, Levi grabbed my arm, shoving his lips onto mine. He pulled away, smirking.

"Have fun." He pecked my lips.


"You look great." Matt joked as I sat next to him for a meal.


"Where were you?"

"Corporal made me run 300 laps because I overslept and didn't go to morning training."

"HAHAHAHA! That's great!"

"My legs huuurt!"

"Oh I could so make them feel bett-"

"Don't even try." I slapped his hand from my thigh.


"I'm not interested Matt."

"So? I'm still going to be your first kiss so get ready!"

"Ok cool." Matt stooop Levi looks like he wants to kill you! He just might. If only Matt knew...


"You ready for tomorrow, Ver?" Hanji asked. I was helping her organize files.

"Yea I am."

"Just don't do anything rash AND always follow Erwin's orders."

"Wouldn't I follow yours since you're my Squad Leader?"

"Well my orders mainly come from Erwin."

"Ok. Could I die tomorrow?"

"It's possible. But try to stay positive."

"I'll try, thanks Hanji."

"Anytime. Put this under A." She handed me a Manila folder. I noticed the last name was Ackerman then Levi. Hmm his file, "interested I see?" She teased.

"Ya but I would never look."

"Ooh come on!"

"No." I put the file away.

"You're giving up a great opportunity!" She sang out.

"I'll be fine."

"It's going to taunt you forever."

"I'm content Hanji."

"Ugh you're no fun!"

"It's his personal file! I don't snoop."

"Fine lets just continue."


"Oh well I found yours! Put it right before Levi's!"

"Can I read it?"

"So you'll read yours but not shorties!? Lamee."

I opened my file. There was a picture of me from a few months ago. It basically just lists all my personal information like birthday, age, family, rank, etc. It's nothing too concerning. But there's one section for injuries. And that means for being deceased...

"Hanji? What happens to a dead persons file?"

"We either keep it or give it to the family."


"Erwin doesn't believe in disposing of them."

"I like that idea."

"Ya, but the worst part is having to visit a family saying your kid, husband, wife, niece, etc, isn't coming home. It's truly the worst."

"Aah. My father wouldn't care. I don't have anyone else."

"I'm sorry. Is that why joined the military?"


"Hmm. Well, let's continue on."

"Sounds good."


I tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable way to sleep. I know I'm supposed to be in Levi's room, but I couldn't go without arousing suspicion. And now, I can't sleep. I'm absolutely terrified. I have to make sure I don't get careless on the 3DMG because I tend to a lot. And I need to be aware of my surroundings.

I had to go through all these sort of things to help me.

I can't believe I'm going to have to go through all this anxiety each time. Because I don't see how I wouldn't ever stop being nervous.

Yours Forever (Corporal Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now