Prolouge - A PREVIOUS LIFE?!

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"Derek? Will we meet again? In another, better and safer life? Will our love still be enough for each other?" a woman asks as she hold the man's hand who is laying next to her.

"Irene. I am sure that we will meet again. Our story is not yet finished. It doesn't matter how long I have to wait I will find you and we will be together again." The man known as Derek says kissing Irene's hand before their last breath escape them.


Outside the hospital room a man cries as he watches the life drain from their eyes and bodies.

"I guess I am going to. But this time I promise that you will be mine before he can have you." The man says and sits down on the floor his back facing the wall.

He takes a deep breath and exhales before he also dies and the tears on his cheeks dry up.


((Hi guys, so this is my new story... Hope you enjoy it. 😋🙂

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