Chapter 3 - THE PAST

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"This is for messing where you don't belong." The other says and pain spreads trough out Mira's chest and then her abdomen.

"Mira!" someone yells and footsteps running away echo in Mira's ears before silence is all around her.


Outside the hospital room four people were eagerly waiting for the doctor to finish inside the room.

Everyone stood as soon as the door opened when the doctor exited the room.

"Are you family?" the doctor asks going through what seens to be Mira's file.

"Her family left her, but we are taking care of her, for the time being." Jason says and the doctor nods.

"Well she lost a lot of blood, and we don't have her blood type in the blood bank."

"I will donate." both Nathan and Grayson simultaneously say.

"We will need to test you to see if your blood matched." The doctor says and take both boys away to the lab.


After the test results came back. The dotor returned from the lab and both Nathan and Grayson stand up.

"The blood matched." and so Nathan runs to the room. But the doctor calls him back. "Not yours. Grayson's matched."

Grayson looks at Nathan smugly and walk into a room adjoining Mira's for a blood transfer.

Nathan stared at Mira through the window of her hospital room before he went back and sat down on one of the chairs.

Footsteps in the hall draw their attention. They turn to see a small girl walking down the hall followed by a  boy who looks like Mira.

"I'm sorry but are you waiting for Mira Grey?" the boy asks and Nathan turns his head while the two parents stop their conversation.

"Who's asking?" Jason asks letting go of his wife's hand and standing up.

"I'm family. Her brother to exact." The boy says and the little girl stomps her foot. "And this is Amy. My daughter."

"Daughter? Aren't you a bit young to be a father?" Jason asks shaking the boy's hand.

"Daddy, you didn't tell them your name." Amy says and tugs the boy's shirt.

"Sorry. I'm Mason. I'm kinda like Mira's twin."

"Kinda like her twin. Are you twins or not?" Nathan asks rubbing his temples

"Yes and No. You see, we share the same birthday but I am a few years older than Mira."

"If you're Mira's brother why does she live separately from you?"

"Years ago during a storm we had lost Mira. At first we tought that she had died, and it hurt like hell. After that we diceded to move leaving everything including Mira behind.

A few days after the storm was settled and everyone was still picking up the debris a news station was doing a follow up when someone found Mira.

At first we didn't recognize her, she was covered in bruises, mud, tears and maybe even blood.

Two people ran to her, probably thinking that she's their child. The way they embraced her and cried as they held her. It broke out hearts further.

After finally getting enough money we moved back, which was years later. We contacted the family with which Mira was staying.

The shock was too much for the woman to bear, and she died of a heart attack. The man begged us to let Mira stay with him, and inside this very hospital, on the day of the woman's death, was the first time after the storm that we saw Mira.

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