Chapter 5 - The Result

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The nurse returns, takes the clipboard and handing the bag of clothes along with the papers to another nurse and then they walk away, each in their own direction.


Even though it was unintentionally done. The nurse had helped Mira is making a decision that would affect not only her but also those around her.

The result of Mira's decision stripped her of almost all her freedom. A few days after Mira was able to walk around without any help, rules were laid out for her.

Mira was only allowed to exit the house without her brother or withiut being accompanied by someone else.

Mira was returning home after a long day at school. She started walking and suddenly got pulled back.

"Where are you going?" Mason asks turning Mira around to face him.


"But I still have practise, and I'm not letting you go alone."

"God damn these rules. If I knew things were going to be like this, I would never have agreed to stay with you." Mira had just finished her sentence when she was slapped.

Mira's head was tilted to the side with her hair covering her face. Mira looks up shocked and sees Mason fuming.

Mason's fists were balled tightly and before he could swing again someone jumped in between them.

Mira was pulled away from Mason leaving a few poeple staring at Mason.

"I am personally removing Mira from your care." A man's voice says, when Mira looks up she sees Jason pulling her towards his car.

"Sir, where are you taking me?" Mira asks but she received no answer. Instead he handed her over to Grayson and Nathan.

Mira's parents arrive at the school screeching to a stop not far away from where Mira was standing.

"Where do you think you're taking my daughter?" Mr Grey asks after slamming his door shut.

"I'm giving her what she deserves."

Mrs Gray grabs Mira by her arm and pulling her towards their car.

"Careful. My stitches are gonna rip." Mira's voice fades between the four parents going at it back and forth.

"Stop!" Mira shouts pulling her arms from their grasp, before checking her chest and seeing a few stitches loose and her clothes have a small amount of blood from where the wound opened.

"Great." Mira digs through her bag taking out a plaster sticking it over the wound.

The parents continued arguing after Mira let go. "I will have you locked up for kidnapping." Mrs Grey threathens and Mr Grey steps forward.

"And I will have you locked up for assaulting a minor." Mr Knight retorts.

"Stop! Look I don't want to cause trouble, and I don't want to go back to being confined to home and school. But my decision won't change, hereafter I'm going to be staying with Mr and Mrs Knight."

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