Chapter 8 - Months

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Does he like her too?
Will he successfully have her heart?
Where will that leave me?


Grayson's patience was running thin as he kept bouncing his ball against the courtyard's floor.

He ran and bounced the ball on the floor after his second foot touches the court.

There was only a few more seconds left of the game. If he scores his team will win.

The school hall was packed with student and family alike. Nathan came running into the hall as Grayson shoots aiming for a point.

"Gray! We gotta go! Mira's home!" with those final two words, Grayson scores and the entire school bursts into cheers.

Grayson runs and pushes through the crowd to reach the door. Nathan holds the door open and leaves soon after Grayson left the hall.

Nathan and Grayson run out both drenched in sweat and in their sport clothes.

Two doors slam shut loudly after the back of the car drops due to their weight.

"Boys! The doors don't belong on the other side of the car." Jason jokes and starts the car.

"I know that you're gonna want to see Mira immediately, but she doesn't look good. Leave her alone for a few days, when she's ready she'll be the one to talk to us." Jason says

"What do you mean with she doesn't look good?" Nathan asks cautiously.

"Meaning she looks like she's been starving and haven't slept much."

"That asshole! He took her from us months ago. You mean to say since she's been with him. She went backwards."

"Stop complaining. Be glad he sent her back to us long before the day she was supposed to be back with us." Nathan scolds.

As soon as Jason stops the car both Nathan and Grayson jumps out of the car, but before they could reach the door Tiana opens the door. She places a hand on both their mouths.

"Keep quiet. Mira just fell asleep. I don't know how long it will last. So I need complete silence inside the house. Got it?"

Grayson and Nathan both nod and tiptoes into the house like theives in the night.


A while later a disheveled body walks down the stairs. Tiana walks slowly towards Mira who walks down the stairs.

Tiana holds out her hand and Mira just looks at Tiana's hand unsure before taking Tiana's help anyway.

"Mira, what do you want to eat?" Jason asks after he sees Mira looking at him from the doorway.

Mira walks over to Tiana and looks her straight in the eye. Tiana was shifting slightly under Mira's gaze.

"You know, don't you? Aunt?" Mira asks staring into Tiana's eyes.

Even though Mira is shorter and thinner, than she was, her stance still seemed to tower over Tiana.

"Aunt?" Grayson asks standing in the door. He looked hurt to say the least.

"No. You must have heard wrong. I said that she must know my aunt." Mira turns around and faces Jason.

"Mhm. Something sweet, sour, sticky and spicy. I've been craving that for so long." Mira says and Grayson sits down beside Mira looking her curiosly.

"What? Never seen someone who liked all four at once?"

"No. I just wonder how you could change so suddenly." Grayson says and closes his eyes regretting what he said.

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