Chapter 4

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AN:yay another chapter please read and review here is the seating chart left to right

Couch: Sara Oliver Kara Alura

Loveseat:Roy Mia Thea

Couch: William Ruby Sam Lena

Couch: Alex Samantha felicity

Couch: slade Malcolm black siren

Loveseat:laurel Nora

They all walked in and sat down and waited a little bit before the screen turned on.

Kara halfheartedly finished her latest article, saving it before leaning back in her chair, once again looking out the window at the crews cleaning up the destruction caused when the Daxamites had invaded.

"Is there narration now," sara asked.

Nora nodded "a little bit just to show their thoughts." Kara winced and silently cursed.

She had been such an idiot to believe that she could have had a dream life. The perfect job, the perfect family, her life as Supergirl . . . and the man she loved. She had a job she enjoyed, she had Alex, J'onn, and Maggie, and she had Supergirl. But was all of that worth it if she didn't have Mon-El?

"Kara that was not idiotic to think you can have that and I'm really sorry that happened but it was not your fault." Kara was crying and Alura hugged her and Kara calmed down.

And it was all because Mon-El's mother, Rhea, had wanted to make Earth the new Daxam. Rao, Kara had hated her. She had challenged her to trial by combat, and had foolishly expected Rhea to keep her word. Instead, in the middle of their duel, the Daxamites had beamed down to invade.

Thankfully J'onn, Mon-El, James, Clark, and timely help from M'gann had kept the invasion at bay, but Kara had had to make a fateful choice. She could either watch National City suffer, or she could activate the device Lillian and Lena Luthor had fixed to release enough lead into the air to be harmless to humans, but deadly to the Daxamites. Kara had chosen to activate the device, had watched Mon-El refuse to help his mother as she died in front of him.

"You created the device she's talking about,"Oliver asked Lena. Lena just nodded

Then Mon-El had started to choke as well.Kara closed her eyes, feeling tears sting her eyes. She kept reminding herself that sending Mon-El from Earth had been the correct course of action, but Rao, it had hurt to lose him. And she was responsible for that. It was because of her that he could no longer survive with lead in Earth's atmosphere.

"Kara it is not your fault," Lena said.

Kara nodded sadly and said "yes it is I pressed the button."

Lena shook her head and said "he told you to."

What she would do to punch something and let her frustrations out. Her phone suddenly rang, and Kara reached over, seeing the call was from the reception desk.

"What would you of all people punch,"

Oliver asked. Kara looked over and said "A car."

Malcolm and slade looked at her and slade said "seriously, a car."

She nodded, he looked to Alex who nodded.

Malcolm mouthed "what."

"Danvers," she said, frowning and checking her schedule. She didn't have any appointments today, so what was this about?

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