Chapter 6

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*she says dramatically*

BUB: Did you miss me

Thea : no now get on with it

BUB:rude but fine "I biunicorn Brittany do not own one call away that is writersblock039's story"

Couch: Sara Oliver Kara Alura

Loveseat:Roy Mia Thea (Mia is in thea's lap)

Couch: William Ruby Sam Lena

Couch: Alex Samantha felicity

Couch: slade Malcolm black siren

Loveseat:laurel Nora

"The RPG that took out the plane came from over there," Oliver pointed to his left as the group of six walked through the rocks. "And the call from my son originated just west of here."

"Hostages could be in either place," Harkness said.

"Or neither," Slade countered. "This is a large island."

"How large is that island anyway," Felicity asked.

Oliver thought about it. He didn't really know. "A couple of miles maybe," he answered.

"I'll check the RPG site," Kara volunteered.

"Malcolm, go with her," Oliver turned.

Malcolm nodded, then Nyssa looked over. "I'll accompany you as well."
Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "Oh, it's almost like you don't trust me, Nyssa."
"No, it's exactly like you don't trust you."

"Check it out," Oliver ordered, looking at Kara. "Stay on comms, and try to keep them from killing each other."

"Why do I feel like that might be a problem, even for me, and that saying something. Well, at least I won't get hurt in the crossfire if they do fight," she said

"Why because both of us care so much about not letting people get caught in the crossfire," Malcolm said.

"No I'm invulnerable to just about everything," she said.

Malcolm and Slade began sizing her up once again. They had to they were villains if they did something and needed to get out they needed to know if they can beat whoever they're fighting. It was more of a hug reaction then anything but it certainly helped a lot of the time when they have to fight. They both are able to learn more about who they need to the longer they are around the person. Since they have been around Kara for a few hours they know a lot about her

They know she is peppy and very bright. Despite that something that happened to her a little while ago which made her considerably more sad, they had both saw her crying a bit during the break. They also knew a few of her power but not the extent of them.

Kara nodded and led Malcolm and Nyssa off, and Oliver led Slade and Harkness on through the forest. Slade took the lead at some point, Oliver happy to let him go as long as he stayed in

"Why does he get a weapon and I don't?" Harkness asked.
"I trust him more than you," Oliver answered. That was true; Slade had once been his brother. Harkness had been nothing.
"Didn't he kill your mother?" Harkness raised an eyebrow.

"He does sort of have a point doesn't he," Thea said. Oliver just shrugged at her.

Oliver spun around, narrowing his eyes at him. "You listen to me very carefully," he growled.

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