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When the bell rang, Alice and Eliza entered their classroom, only to immediately be cornered by Penelope Blossom, "Eliza Clarke," The redhead greeted Eliza, pushing up her glasses up her nose as they slid down. She glanced down at Eliza's exposed belly button, which had a piercing, "May I remind you, you are breaking the dress code while wearing that. I'm going to have to inform Principal Featherhead. He will be inclined to write you up and give you a detention."

Eliza and Alice turned to each other, trying their hardest not to burst out laughing. They couldn't help themselves any longer and the two girls began to laugh. Once the laughter died down, Eliza's face became serious, "I'm sorry, Penelope. Your tone implies I'm actually supposed to care." She commented before turning on the heels of her shoes, walking away with Alice by her side.

Eliza stopped at her locker to get her science textbook. She put in her locker combination before opening her locker, only to have a folded piece of paper come out. She frowned in confusion, sharing a glance with Alice, who stood beside her, waiting for her to be done so that they could go to class.

Eliza sighed, bending down to quickly pick up the piece of paper. She looked at the folded paper, seeing that the front of it read, 'To Eliza'. She looked back over at Alice, who seemed impatient, "God, Eliza!" She complained, "Just open it. I'm dying to know what it says."

Eliza couldn't help but chuckle as she finally unfolded the piece of paper to read it:


Out of all the girls,

I think you're the best.

I look good in a suit.

you look good in a dress.

I suck at dancing,

and I can't sing in key

But I would be most

honored if you go to

the formal with me.

- FP

Check: ___ Yes ___ No

Eliza couldn't help but smile, folding the piece of paper back up before placing it in her pocket. Alice gave her a questioning look as she closed her locker and didn't say a single word, "What?" Eliza asked her best friend as she continued to give her a look.

"Well?" Alice questioned curiously, "What did it say? Who's it from?"

"It's from FP," Eliza informed her casually as they began to walk to science class, "He asked me if I wanted to go to the dance with him. It's nothing."

"Nothing?" Alice nearly shouted before becoming quieter, "FP clearly likes you. And I swear to God, Eliza, if you even try to tell me that FP doesn't, I'll slap you so hard, you'll go flying."

Eliza couldn't help but laugh at Alice as they entered Science class, "I'm not stupid, Eliza. I've always had a feeling he did. This just proves it. He doesn't want to be friends anymore."

"Well, do you feel the same way?" Alice questioned and Eliza shrugged her shoulders, "How do you not know, Liza? All you do is talk about FP. FP this, FP that. You clearly like him, but don't want to admit it."

"Okay," Eliza quickly replied, "Maybe I do like him. But I'm scared to admit it. I don't want our friendship to be ruined if our relationship goes downhill."

"Haven't you heard, Eliza?" Alice questioned, "Best friends make the best significant others."

"Girls," Mr. Brady spoke up, causing the two girls to look over at him, "Why don't you take a seat?"

Alice and Eliza sighed before taking their seats at two different tables but still remained beside each other.

FP soon walked in the classroom, immediately locking eyes with Eliza. Eliza quickly pulled the note out of the pocket. She picked up her pencil, checking yes. As FP went to walk past her, Eliza handed him the note. FP quickly grabbed it from her hand before taking a seat at the desk beside her.

Eliza kept her body facing forward, a smile forming on her lips at the thought of FP. At FP's desk, FP unfolded the piece of paper before looking down Eliza's answer. He muttered a 'Yes!' when he saw that Eliza had checked off yes.


During her lunch period, at the back of the school, Eliza sat with Alice and some Serpents they went to school with in what the students at Riverdale High called the 'Stoner Pit'

A Serpent named Jackson passed Eliza the joint that he formerly had. Eliza took it, placing it in between her fingers before taking a hit. Once doing so, she blew the smoke upwards, just as FP approached the group, "Well, would you look at that. Eliza's little boyfriend is coming to visit," Nate, another Serpent comment, earning a glare from Eliza.

"Shut up, Nate," She snapped at him, slapping in the back of the head before she tried to hand Alice, which she declined. She rolled her eyes, handing it to another Serpent who happened to be glad to take it.

"Eliza," FP called out, walking over to the group with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, "Can we talk?"

Eliza glanced at her Serpent friends, all of which had their eyes, "Sure," Eliza replied, pushing herself off of leaning against the brick wall.

She followed FP all the way to the football field, where they took a seat on the bleachers, "So you really want to go with me to the back to school formal?" He asked Eliza in disbelief.

Eliza smiled slightly, nodding her head, "Of course." She replied happily, "Honestly, I've kind of been waiting for you to ask me out. Things have felt different between us lately. Especially since that night," She reminded him and FP nodded his head in agreement.

"You mean July fourth?" FP asked her and Eliza turned to him, nodding her head, "It has felt different since then. We almost kissed, Eliza. If we hadn't been interrupted by Fred, we would have kissed."

"I'm somewhat glad we didn't though," Eliza commented, a smile on her face, "Because we wouldn't have known what it meant. We wouldn't have known if we were just caught up in the moment, or if it was the alcohol, or if we actually have feelings for each other."

"I agree," FP agreed with her, "So, Saturday...Should I pick you up at seven?"

Eliza couldn't help but laugh, "Neither of us have cars, FP. Just come to my trailer at seven on Saturday and we'll walk."

And with that, Eliza stood up, sending FP one last smile, "See you in math," She told the boy before walking off.

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