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The following morning, FP showed up at Eliza's doorstep so that they could walk to school together

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The following morning, FP showed up at Eliza's doorstep so that they could walk to school together. As they did so, it was completely silent between them, which was odd, "I thought you would've called me or came over after what happened last night." Eliza told him and FP looked at her with wide eyes.

"What do you mean 'What happened last night'?" He asked her and Eliza frowned in confusion.

"I ditched you at the Drive-In. Duh! What else do you think happened, huh?" She asked, raising a brow at FP.

"Nothing, nothing," FP replied quickly, "After you left, I ended up leaving and hung out with some of the football team. Tonight's the game against Baxter High. You coming?"

Eliza smiled slightly, "Maybe. Depends, are you going to kick ass out there?" She asked him curiously.

"Of course. Would you expect anything less from me?" FP chuckled as he wrapped around Eliza, both of them continuing to walk to school together.

Once arriving at school, the couple gave each other a kiss goodbye before going their separate ways.

   Eliza walked into the student lounge room to find Alice and Johnny awkwardly sitting with each other, clearly waiting for Eliza to show up, "Hey, guys," She greeted her two best friends with a smile, "So I'm going to the football game tonight for FP. Who wants to join me."

Alice scoffed loudly, "Not me. I'll never be caught at a football game, of all things. We're Serpents, only Northsiders go to those things." She replied and Johnny immediately realized that Eliza looked disappointed that Alice didn't want to go with her.

"I'll go," Johnny spoke up, causing both girls to turn to him shocked.

"Really?" They both asked him in unison.

"I was planning on staying home tonight doing nothing, but I think going to the football game sounds so much better." He explained to them and Eliza couldn't help but smile at him.

"Great! Now I won't have to go alone!" Eliza said happily as she jokingly wrapped an arm around Johnny.

Alice turned her head to see FP slowly walking past the room's doorway, his eyes immediately locking on hers. She quickly stood up, turning to her friends, "Listen, I better go. I was supposed to meet up with Teddy before school. He's giving me the answers to the math homework."

Eliza and Johnny shared a look before nodding their heads, "Okay. I guess I'll see you later on." Eliza replied, watching as Alice walked off, seeming to be in a bit of a hurry.


That night, at the football game against Baxter High, Eliza and Johnny sat together on the bleachers. watching as the game started.

Eliza shivered a bit, wrapping her arms around herself to protect herself from the cold. Johnny turned to Eliza and gave her an amused look, "You need to start wearing your jacket," He commented, taking off his jacket before placing it over Eliza's shoulders, "You should be glad I'm immune to the cold and wore both a flannel and a t-shirt under my jacket today."

Eliza smiled as she turned to Johnny, placing her arms in the sleeves of the jacket, "Thank you." She told him before turning her head to pay attention to the football game.

"Anytime." He replied quietly, a smile on his face.

FP, who was standing on the field, rolled his eyes when he witnessed the scene occur from a distance.

He was in position in front of a player from the rival team, "I noticed your eyes keep going to the hot blonde chick on the bleachers." The unknown boy spoke up, causing FP to immediately turn to look at him, "What? Is your girlfriend cheating on you with that Southside snake?" He questioned, clearly trying to get on FP's nerves.

"Shut up," FP growled at the boy angrily, obviously losing his cool.

"What? You and I both know it's true. I mean, look at them," He replied with a smirk on his face, "Mind sending her my way when you're finished?"

Angered, FP lunged forward and roughly pushed member from the rival team from the ground. Both boys immediately pulled off their helmets as they began to fight. Soon enough, a fight began between both teams.

Eliza quickly rushed off the bleachers and over to FP. She roughly pulled FP off the boy and pushed him back, "Stop it, FP!" She shouted at him, "Are you trying to get yourself kicked off the team?"

FP scoffed, moving away from Eliza, "Whatever." He responded before fleeing, leaving Eliza looking hurt.

"You okay?" Johnny asked Eliza concerned as he walked over to here.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Totally fine." She gave him a small smile, but already Johnny could see right through her tough exterior. He always did, "Listen, I better get going. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Johnny replied, smiling slightly.


Hours later, Eliza laid on the couch in her living room, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about FP and where the hell he ran off to. There was a knock on the trailer door, causing her to frown when she saw that it was almost ten.

"I said I was fine, Johnny. No need to check up on me." Eliza told the person she presumed to be Johnny as she opened the door, only to see that it was FP, "What? You come to snap at me again?"

"Look, Liza, I'm sorry about that. I really am," FP told her with a sad look on her face, "Something that dude said about you set me off and I got really pissed off because of it."

"What did he say?" Eliza asked curiously, raising a brow at him.

"Stuff about you being with Johnny." He replied quietly.

"Well, he's wrong," Eliza assured him, "I don't like Johnny like that. I love you, not him."

FP's eyes widened in shock when he heard Eliza's words, "Love?" He asked in disbelief.

Eliza smiled, nodding her head. She walked forward, placing her arms around FP's arms, "Yeah, love." She replied happily.

"Well, I love you, too, Eliza," FP told her, securing his arms around her waist as he leaned forward and kissed her passionately.

After a moment, Eliza pulled away from the kiss, "How about we go to my room?" She asked him quietly and FP smiled, slowly nodded his head.

That night, Eliza felt closer to FP than she ever did before. Little did she know that closeness wouldn't last long at all. It wouldn't even last a whole twenty-four hours.

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