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Eliza walked into the garage located across the street from the Whyte Wyrm, the same one that her father owned

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Eliza walked into the garage located across the street from the Whyte Wyrm, the same one that her father owned. Most of the Serpents went to the garage to get their cars and motorcycles fixed. Her eyes locked on FP, who knelt beside his bike, trying to figure out what was wrong with it. He clearly didn't know what he was doing.

Eliza chuckled, shaking her head as she walked over to him, her hands dug into the pockets of her denim overalls, "Need some help?" She asked him and FP immediately looked up, a smile on her face as he nodded his head.

He wiped the oil that was on his hands on his jeans, standing back up, "Is it that obvious that I'm struggling?" He questioned and Eliza couldn't help but laugh.

Eliza nodded, taking the wrench from his hand. She held it in her right hand, looking down at the bike. It was clear FP had been taking good care of his bike after being gifted it by his father. She realized this as she began to check and make sure all the systems and parts were in working condition.

Her eyes widened as her eyes locked on the large dent on the side of the motorcycle. She turned to FP, her arms crossed over her chest as she gave him a questioning look, "Mind telling me what the hell happened here?" She asked, pointing her index finger at the dent.

FP shifted uncomfortably, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, "FP," Eliza called out sternly.

"Okay! Okay!" He nearly shouted, causing a few Serpents that were in the garage at that moment to glance at them, "Johnny and I sort of challenged the Ghoulies to a street race last night."

"Why didn't I know about this?" Eliza asked FP through her gritted teeth.

"Because we all knew you wouldn't allow it," FP informed her, letting out a large sigh.

Eliza took a deep breath before deciding to change the subject and get over it, "Mind trying to turn on the bike?" She asked him and FP immediately obeyed.

FP climbed onto the bike, getting on the leather seat before revving the engine. It didn't turn on, causing Eliza to sigh, "Get off the bike." She insisted and FP quickly listened, hopping off the bike, "Let me try something."

Eliza crouched down in front of the bike. She lifted up the wrench, twisting off some of the nuts and bolts to get under some of the wirings. She began to reroute some of the wires before twisting some of the bolts back on. Some oil got on her hand so she wiped it with a nearby rag. She turned to FP, a smile on her face, "Why don't you get back home? Come back around eight and this will all be done. I'm pretty sure I also have the parts to fix the dent, too."

FP sighed in relief, "You're a lifesaver, Liza." He told her while smiling, "Listen, I better get back to the Wyrm." He told her and Eliza nodded.

As he began to walk away, Eliza spoke up, "Hey, if you see Johnny, mind telling him that I'm going to be spending a few hours here?" She questioned and FP nodded his head in response before walking off.

Hours later, most of the Serpents had already went to the Whyte Wyrm for the night while Eliza remained at the garage, trying to fix FP's bike. She had fixed the dent, but she was still trying to figure out why it wasn't turning on, "You know, you should become a mechanic for a job in a couple years. Since you don't want to go to college and all." A familiar voice spoke up, causing Eliza to immediately look up to see Johnny walking over to her.

  Eliza playfully rolled her eyes at Johnny before continuing to examine the bike as he walked over to her, kneeling beside her, "I haven't told you? I'm actually planning on buying this place from my old man in a couple years. I want to change the whole place around and open an actual shop, not just a place where Serpents go to fix their bikes while they're waiting for the Wyrm to open up for the day." She explained, "You think I'll be able to pull that off by the time I'm twenty?"

"I guess we'll see in a couple years, won't we?" Johnny replied with a smile on his face, "By next year, you'll be leader of the gang and the most powerful woman, maybe even person, on the Southside of town. I think you'll be able to pull off anything, Eliza."

Eliza smiled, leaning forward as she pressed a kiss to Johnny's lips. They pulled away for a brief moment before kissing again. Johnny turned to the bike as they pulled away from each other, "I think I know what might wrong with it. Check the spark plug."

Eliza's eyes widened, "Johnny, you're a genius!" She praised him, clapping her hands together.

Eliza quickly got up, rushing over to the wooden table where she picked up a replacement spark plug and a spark plug wrench. She then walked back over to the bike, kneeling beside it alongside Johnny, who watched her perform the act closely.

Eliza used the wrench loosen up the spark plug before taking off. She handed it to Johnny, who held it in his hand as she replaced it with a brand new one. Once doing so, the couple stood back up. They shared a glance before Eliza took a seat on the bike, revving the engine at ease.

Smiling brightly, Eliza got off the bike, "We did it!" She told him happily.

She wrapped her arms around Johnny's neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He picked her up off the ground and spun her, causing Eliza to smile even wider before he set her back down on the ground, "More like you did it." Johnny corrected her, "I bet you would have figured out that same thing that I did in less than twenty minutes. I just thought I'd help you out a bit, since we're both really good with cars and bikes."

"We should buy this place together," Eliza spoke up, continuing to smile, "Imagine that, Johnny. We could open up our own garage. The only auto shop in Riverdale is on the Northside of town. We could open one on this side of town. We could be partners." She paused, realizing she was getting a bit too excited, "Only if you want to."

Johnny held Eliza's hand in his own as he looked down at her, "I'd love that, Eliza."  He replied happily.

"Hey," Eliza spoke up, nervously biting her lip, "Homecoming at Riverdale High is coming up in a few days. Would you maybe want to go with me?"

"What a coincidence," Johnny commented, causing Eliza to give him a puzzled look, "You beat me to it. I was going to ask you tomorrow. I was going to be all cheesy and bring flowers to school for you. I like your style though, Eliza."

"What do you mean by liking my style?" She asked him confused.

"I mean, it's usually the guy that asks the beautiful girl to the dance. But you decided to be the one to ask," He explained to her and Eliza smiled, "But I'd love to go with you."

"Great," Eliza smiled before her eyes widened, "Damn it." She cursed under her breath.

"What's wrong?" Johnny asked her, a concerned look on her face.

"I have no actual female friends to go with to get a dress," She informed him, "As you know, Alice was my only friend that I had that was a girl, and you know how that ended up."

"Bring one of the guys with you, I'm sure they'll be cool with it," Johnny suggested and Eliza gave him a weird look, "On second thought, maybe don't bring one of the guys," He paused as he let out a sigh, trying to think of a person for Eliza to bring with her, "Why don't I go with you?"

Eliza smiled up at Johnny, "You would go with me?"

Johnny shrugged slightly, a smile forming on his lips, "Yeah, why not? I still have to get a tux from that store in the Greendale Mall anyways." He replied and Eliza immediately hugged him in thanks, causing Johnny to laugh slightly before he began to hug him back, "So how does tomorrow after school sound, beautiful?"

"Great, handsome."

AN: I'm probably going to do a time jump after the homecoming chapter to everyone's senior year and it will stay during that time for about 2-3 chapters before it will be Eliza, Johnny, FP, and the rest of them from ages 19 to about 26. Just so you guys know, Eliza and Johnny are 16 atm and Eliza will have Alex (her oldest) at 22, Crash at 24, and Tori at 25.

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