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Weeks later, to say the least, Eliza was spiraling out of control ever since Johnny had been arrested all because of something her father had told him to do

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Weeks later, to say the least, Eliza was spiraling out of control ever since Johnny had been arrested all because of something her father had told him to do. The female Serpent had been getting into more fights than usual and always seemed to be high or drinking. It was the last football game of the year and Eliza was drinking as she sat by herself on the back of a truck. The game hadn't started yet and the marching band was making music to keep everyone busy.

Hal Cooper soon walked by with Alice, letting out a large scoff, "Southside trash." He muttered under his breath, which was immediately heard by Eliza and caught her attention.

Eliza looked up at Hal, "What'd you just say?" She asked him as she hopped off the truck and stood in front of him.

Hal had an amused look on his face as he turned to face her, ignoring Alice, who was trying to pull him back, "You heard me," He replied with an attitude, "It's all trouble and violence with you people. Your little boyfriend ruined homecoming when he brought the drugs. Almost every football player was searched. Tyler Mason was kicked off the team because he had a single joint on him. And it was all that psycho Serpent's fault. Thankfully, he's locked up now. Hopefully, he'll never get out."

What Eliza heard Hal say about her boyfriend clearly made her snap and Alice knew that better than anyone, "Eliza, no--" She began to say, but was cut off when Eliza punched Hal in the face.

Hal stumbled back before recovering from the hit. He grabbed her by the collar of her leather jacket, roughly pushing her against the truck the girl was formerly sitting on. The bottle of liquor she was holding dropped out of her hand, which shattered upon impact with the ground.

"Hal, stop it!" Alice pleaded loudly, tear forming in her eyes as she became worried for Hal's wellbeing. She didn't have to worry about Eliza. She knew Eliza could kick any Bulldog's ass at ease and that included Hal Cooper.

Eliza kicked Hal in the stomach before tackling him to the ground. She punched him in the jaw once before Hal grabbed her by the shoulders and switched the position. He stood up once doing so, beginning to kick Eliza in the stomach repeatedly. Eliza groaned in pain, but handled the hits easily. She was used to it. A crowd started to form around the duo and FP immediately ran over when realizing that it was Eliza who Hal was fighting.

He roughly pushed Hal away from Eliza, causing the Bulldog to stumble back a bit before he caught his balance, "She's down, okay?" FP told Hal sternly.

Eliza, who was lying on the ground, soon locked eyes on the neck part of the bottle, which was broken off the rest of the bottle. She picked up the piece of glass and stood up, ready to stab Hal with it. She extended her arm out, ready to hit him with it, "Eliza, no!" FP shouted as Eliza did so, only to have the glass slash Alice's hand instead of Hal because she had stepped in front of him.

"Alice. Oh, my God," Eliza said quietly, a sad look on her face when realized what she had done.

Alice gave Eliza a shocked look before glancing down at her bloodied hand. Soon enough, Hal ended up running off with Alice while FP rushed over to Eliza, pushing her against the side of the truck, "What the hell is wrong with you, Eliza?" FP asked her angrily, "Lift your head up, you're bleeding."

"I'm fine, FP. Just back off!" She shouted at him, sounding deeply annoyed, "I don't need your help!"

"You smell fine, that's for sure," FP responded sarcastically, "What's with you lately? Ever since Johnny was arrested, you've been acting differently."

Eliza roughly pushed FP away from her as he mentioned her boyfriend, "I said I'm fine. Back off, FP, before you regret it." She snapped at him before storming off, causing FP to let out a sigh as he watched her run off.


That night, FP found Eliza at the garage, working on her bike. Tears streaked her cheeks as she used a wrench tighten some up some of the loose bolt, "Hey, you okay?" FP spoke up as he walked toward her.

Eliza didn't look up at him or answer. She couldn't bring herself to. FP knew she would be lying if she said she was fine. Eliza bent over, about to pick up the bottle of whiskey from the ground, "Don't even think about it," FP quickly told her, roughly snatching the bottle of hard liquor from her hand before she could drink anymore, "Johnny will be getting out soon enough. There's no need to be like this. I get it, you miss him. But that doesn't mean you have to act out like this. Johnny wouldn't want you to. You and I both know that."

"What if he never gets out?" Eliza asked FP quietly, her eyes filling up with tears, "You know how Johnny gets, he'll get into fights and do stupid shit, which will land him with added months, maybe even years."

"Johnny wouldn't do that," FP replied, shaking his head in disagreement.

"How do you know, huh?" Eliza asked with an attitude, "He's done it before. Why wouldn't he do it again?"

"Because he has you," FP replied and Eliza's eyes softened, "I may not really like Johny, but I do know he loves you more than anything. Johnny might love to cause trouble and start fights, but he would give that all up if it meant he could be with you again. You're his entire world. If it wasn't for you, he would probably leave town the second he got out of Juvie. You mean that much to him and vice versa."

"You really think so?" Eliza said quietly, her voice sounding fragile.

"I know so," FP answered, placing the bottle of liquor down on the ground before hugging Eliza. Eliza hugged FP, beginning to silently cry once more, "Everything's going to be okay."

AN: I'm gradually trying to make FP and Eliza the brotp they were in my book Just Friends.  Also, next chapter will be a time jump to senior year (when Johnny gets out)

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