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At Riverdale High, FP made sure to arrive on time. Actually, he ended up coming a few minutes early. He looked around, confused when he saw neither Eliza nor the rest of the Serpents he went to school with anywhere in sight.

"Hey, bud," Eliza suddenly spoke up, causing FP to turn around to see her, Johnny, Jackson, and Nate walking toward him.

"Hey, guys," FP greeted them, but became confused when he saw Eliza holding a pack of plastic wrap in her hand while Johnny had a roll of clear duct tape in his, "What's that for?"

"Grab him," Eliza ordered and Jackson picked FP up fireman's style as he made his way over to the pole on the front steps of school alongside the rest of the group.

"What are you doing?" FP asked, a concerned look on his face.

"We thought we'd start your second initiation by introducing you to the school, FP," Johnny informed him, "And I don't mean introducing just your face."

Nate pinned FP's hands to his back as Jackson pushed him against the pole, "Tying me to the flagpole?" FP questioned, trying to show no fear toward the group, "I've survived worse hazing than this with the football team."

"Easy there, handsome," Eliza spoke up, ripping off a piece of tape from the roll, "Who said anything about hazing?"

"Guys, come on--" FP tried to beg them to stop, but Eliza cut him off by taping his mouth shut.

"No more talking, Jones," Johnny replied, smirking as he turned to glance at Eliza.

"Help me take his clothes," Eliza told Johnny, handing Nate the plastic wrap, "Then we'll put the plastic wrap around him." She paused, turning to glance at FP, "You're lucky, FP. This could've been much more violent. But I've decided to start off the initiation with some simple; humiliation."

Eliza smirked at FP, placing her hands on the collar of his shirt before she began to undo the buttons, "Just know, this is the only the beginning."


About an hour later, Eliza stood at the bottom of the steps, her arms crossed as she smiled up at FP. The rest of the group stood with her along with a large crowd of other teens they went to school with, all of them laughing at FP.

Coach Adams soon arrived at school, only to frown when he saw the boy plastic wrapped to the flagpole, naked. Plastic wrap also covered his eyes, making him unable to see. Coach Adams rushed past the students, walking over to FP.

"Okay, who did this?" He asked FP, only to get now answer since his mouth was taped shut.

"Sorry, FP, but there's only one way to do this," Coach Adams told him before ripping off the duct tape, causing the Jones boy to yell out in pain.

Eliza laughed in amusement, sharing a glance with Johnny, "So, I assume you didn't plastic wrap yourself to the pole naked. So why don't you tell me who did this?"

FP turned his head slightly to see Eliza and Johnny watching him closely, wondering if he would snitch. He turned to look back at Coach Adams, "Can you find my clothes?" He asked, quickly changing the subject, "I think they're in the bushes."

Coach Adams sighed, "I'll go get some scissors."


Later on that day, Eliza stood with Johnny and Nate in the hallway when she saw FP walking toward him. She smirked, whispering something to Johnny, which didn't go unnoticed by FP, "Oh, God," He muttered under his breath, "What are they up to now?"

Eliza sent FP a mischevious smile before walking over to Tyler Mason, someone from the wrestling team, "Hey, you know FP Jones?" She asked the boy quietly.

"Yeah, why?" Tyler questioned, a confused look on his face.

"I heard he was planning on trying to make a move on your girl. Her name's Sara, right?" She informed him and Tyler immediately looked furious.

Eliza knew for a fact Tyler had anger issues and that Sara, his girlfriend, was known to secretly sleep around. Tyler balled his hand into a fist before marching over to FP before swinging a punch to his jaw, "You really think you can make a move on my girl!" Tyler shouted at FP angrily as the Jones boy hit the ground.

"What the hell are you talking about, man? I don't even know you!" FP asked Tyler confused as he quickly stood back up.

"Bullshit!" Tyler growled before lunging forward, pushing FP against the lockers.

FP roughly pushed him back, beginning to fight him, "Should we stop it now or...?" Nate asked Eliza as he walked over to her and Johnny.

"Nah. Let him suffer," Johnny replied, taking Eliza's side.

"Guys, this is starting to become pretty personal." Jackson commented, "I don't think this is about toughening him up anymore."

Eliza let out a sigh when she realized he was right, "Hey! Enough!" Se shouted, running over to the two boys fighting.

She pulled Tyler off of FP, only suddenly get punched in the face by the Northside boy. Eliza's eyes widened as she touched her nose to find that it was bleeding. Johnny, Nate, and Jackson didn't waste any time running over to Tyler. Some of the members of the wrestling team were walking down the hallway when they saw Tyler, one of their fellow members, getting beaten up by a group of Serpents.

They ran over to help him, a mini rumble occurring between the Serpents and wrestling team, which landed both sides with a Saturday detention.


After school, the Serpents met up at the Whyte Wyrm, needing a drink after the day they had at school. Eliza was playing pool with Johnny when her eyes trailed over to FP, who sat at the bar alone.

She sighed, turning back to face Johnny, "I'm going to go to talk to FP. Be right back." She told her boyfriend, who nodded.

Eliza walked over to the bar, taking a seat beside FP, who decided to ignore her as he continued to press the bag of ice in his hand to his bruised jaw, "Look, FP. I'm really sorry," She apologized to him quietly.

Angered, FP turned his head to glare at Eliza, "You should be. This initiation you made up for me wasn't to toughen me up, it was personal. You just wanted to get me back for breaking your heart!" He shouted at her angrily, causing Eliza to flinch a bit at his tone of voice, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "Our fathers want us to lead this gang together when we grow up so why don't you stop acting like an emotional bitch and get over it? It was months ago, grow the hell up."

Before she could cry in front of him, Eliza quickly got up and ran out of the Whyte Wyrm. Johnny, who heard the whole conversation from where he stood, walked over to FP and punched FP in the face, "What the hell!" He exclaimed loudly.

"Talk to her like that again and I'll knock your teeth out, got it?" Johnny threatened him and FP nodded, just before he ran after his girlfriend to see if she was okay.

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