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 Eliza and Johnny laid in bed together, Eliza's head resting on Johnny's bare chest as he ran his fingers through her hair Eliza wore only a bra and a pair of underwear and Johnny only wore boxers after they got out of the shower

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Eliza and Johnny laid in bed together, Eliza's head resting on Johnny's bare chest as he ran his fingers through her hair Eliza wore only a bra and a pair of underwear and Johnny only wore boxers after they got out of the shower.

Eliza couldn't help but repeatedly think back to what FP had said about Johnny leaving her after they slept together. She didn't want to believe it, but the thought still remained in her mind.

Eliza let out a sigh, lifting her head up off his chest and sat up. She turned to face him, giving him a concerned look, "You're not going to leave me now, are you?" She spoke up, breaking the silence between them, "You know, since we slept with each other and everything?"

Johnny gave Eliza a look of disbelief before he shook his head, "I would never do that to you, Eliza," He assured her, "What would make you think I would do something like that?"

"You've done it to other girls in the gang. Everyone knows you screw once and then move on to the next girl you find attractive," She explained to him, "What makes me any different from any of those other girls?"

"You don't get it, Eliza. You're not like those other girls. Do you know how hard it is for me to admit out loud that I love someone? And I've done it three times for you. I'm so in love with you that I would do anything for you if it made you happy. You're the type of girl I see myself marrying one day and having kids with. You mean that much to me," He explained to her, a smile on his face, "And I get it, you're still not over FP. He broke your heart, it will take a while to recover from that, but I'm okay with that. You can take as long as you need."

Eliza couldn't help but a smile at Johnny as he sat up, leaning forward. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips before smiling at her, "I love you so much, you don't even know," She told him, "And I want all of that with you, too. Never for a second did I ever love FP the way I loved you, just know that."

The duo shared a look with each other when they heard the trailer door slam, "You should go through the window," She informed and Johnny gave her a nervous look, remembering the bruises FP had from he went through the window. Eliza noticed this and smiled, "Don't worry. I put a small ladder next to the window. Don't ask me where I got it from though."

Johnny glanced at the closed door before at the window. He turned his head to look at Eliza once more, placing a quick kiss to her lips before getting up, "Bye." He told her.

"Bye," She replied, sending him a small smile as she watched him as he sucessfully got out of the trailer through the window.

She walked over to the window, waving to him before he ran back to his own trailer, "Eliza, come out here!" She heard her father call out, causing her to sigh, knowing that she was going to have to explain to him what happened during her brief kidnapping.


The following day at school, Eliza was walking down the hallway by herself, in search of Johnny, when FP suddenly appeared in front of her, "What do you want?" She asked him annoyed, rolling her eyes.

"We need to talk," He replied quietly, causing Eliza to sigh before she followed him to the music room.

Once entering the vacant room, she turned to FP, "You have two minutes to hurry up and talk before I leave." She told him and FP was silent for a long moment, almost as if he was hesitant to tell her something

"I love you, Eliza," FP spoke up quietly, causing Eliza to tense up a bit, "And I know I shouldn't, but I do. I was stupid for being with Alice, especially since I was still with you. I can't even think of a valid reason why I did it in the first place."

"FP, no, I don't want to hear this." She sighed out, beginning to walk toward the door.

Before she could, FP grabbed her hand, forcing Eliza to turn to look at him directly in the eyes, "I just want to tell you, I understand if you don't feel the same way. I hurt you and I deserve all the crap you've pulled on me since I joined the Serpents. And honestly, I'm glad you're happy with Johnny. You deserve it after all the shit I put you through," He explained to her before letting out a sigh, "And because I love you, I know that you're better off with him than you are with me. But I hope that we can at least fix our friendship. Before we started dating, we were best friends and I honestly miss it. I miss you being my best friend more than anything. So please, can you forgive me for everything I've done in the past so we can start fresh?"

Eliza stayed silent, looking down FP's hand, which was still holding onto her own. FP noticed this and immediately let go. She glanced up at FP, seeming to be in deep thought, "I forgive you, FP. But you think about pulling any crap on me and I'll kick your ass, understand?"

"Wouldn't expect any less from you, Eliza," FP replied, causing them both to smile.

"Come here," She told him, just before wrapping her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly.

FP smiled before hugging Eliza back, "I missed you, Eliza." He spoke up and Eliza hummed in response as she pulled away from the hug, feeling as though if they hugged anymore, it would automatically not be considered friendly and more so, romantically.

The school bell rang, causing them both to look up before glancing at each other once more, "Gotta get to Science. See you at the Wyrm after school?"

"Yup," FP replied, nodding his head as watched Eliza walk off.

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