Todoroki Shouto X Reader: Letter.

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I don't hate Monoma, but in this chapter he's kind of the antagonist here.

Dear Shouto,

How have you been? Are you doing okay there? I'm worried that you aren't entirely happy with your new home. I'm just...worried.

I know it's been years, but still...

Most of our friends are really busy, especially Izuku and Bakugou. Izuku became top three. He's slowly becoming number one, he just have to beat Bakugou to it. I swear, Bakugou is getting weaker, or it could be that Deku is getting stronger...

Your family is fine. Your mother is doing okay, along with your siblings. Endeavor is okay, I guess... he retired, and was trying his best to become the man he should become.

Life is okay...I guess.

...Shouto, are you...really happy there? I can tell it's a lovely home, but...don't you get homesick? Don't you miss your family? Living all on your own....

I wish I can accompany you, but I'm married, and Neito wouldn't want me to go near any man. He refused to let me talk to the girls as well, trapping me in my own house. I'm sure he wouldn't want me to go to you....

But does it matter? I'm sure he doesn't even care. I'm sure he'll fell in love with someone better than I. I mean, it has to be the reason why he is acting this way. I'm sure I'm doing a horrible job as a wife. I'm sure he thinks I'm a disappointment. I'm sure that's why he abuses me like that.

Shouto, I don't know what to do anymore. I want to get out of here, but I don't want to. I want my old Neito back, but he's long gone. I want to get out of here, but I can't. I want to have a divorce, but it would be too much...

I'll just bear the pain. I'll do it...

I didn't mean to make this letter self-absorbed. It's just that..I wanted to tell at least someone to feel better. It's like I can't breathe properly if I won't tell anyone. It's like I'll suffocate from the secret that I HAVE to let out if I want to breathe again.

I'm sorry, Shouto. I probably caused you more problems. I'm sorry, you're supposed to enjoy your new home and new life from afar, away from your abusive father...running away from the life that you hated so much..

I wish I was as brave as you back then, Shouto. Maybe you wouldn't be so lonely, but that time...I have Neito....I was so....blinded by his 'love' that I didn't.

I'm sorry, Shouto. Really, I am.

Remember the first time we talked to each other though? When you looked like a freaking terminator and was paired up with me? My goodness did I feel bad for not helping at all! You literally did the whole job for me! You immobilized the enemies (Toru and Ojiro, if you don't remember), and was so calm and collected. I admired you after that. You're so cool and mysterious, I was very naive to like those type of guys.

But...could I help it? I fell in love with you, but I know you didn't like me back.

I felt like you had your eyes on Momo, and it kind of makes sense. I mean, Momo is kind, smart, generous. Her quirk is extremely extremely handy as well.

But I was stupid, and went on confessing to you. I was immediately embarrassed after all. Do you remember? You turned me down and I was so upset.

You were so kind tried to cheer me up by buying me ice cream and spending time with me. You didn't walk out on me, like most guys would.

I remember one time when we go to a horror movie, and I was shaking so badly. You, surprisingly, started teasing me about how I'm scared and how 'daring' I am. Then, I was like, "I'll show you daring!", and I ended up shrieking and crying. I never slept that night.

Because of you, we were inseparable, best friends. To be honest, I almost forgot about my crush on you....

I had my eyes on Neito then, and fell in love with him even if he hated our guts back then. I'm pretty sure he still does though.

I had completely forgotten about the crush I had for you, until I told you about my new crush and you...told me you liked me.

It was shocking, to say the least. I mean, I deduced that you probably liked me since you got to know me better, but..that time I didn't like you anymore.

And I felt so bad telling you the news. I wanted to spare you the pain and say I like you too, but...that'd be lying..back then.

When I say back then, I meant I still love you. I realized I still do when I realized that Neito's love was fake.  I realized I still do when you left me. I realized I still do when you had left my life. you still like the flowers that I sent you last week? I'll probably send you some more today...

You deserve it, really do.

It's just...not fair for you to leave me when we were supposed to graduate together.

Anyways, would you like to meet face to face with me, Shouto? I' there for you, at your new home...very soon...after I give you the flowers that you like...

I love you Shouto, be safe.

Yours truly,

PS. I told you I'm daring.

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