Chapter 7

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Well Cheese Balls! I fell asleep and couldn't update...Sorry!

Update: I've been crying a bit, I hope writing helps



The morning sun beamed down on Seoul, it's beautiful orange colors lighting up each and every building baking it with a morning touch. A nice breeze blew by, shaking the trees which slowly were losing the leaves. Few people walked across streets, most of them wearing expensive suits, and talking on their phones.

Jungkook groaned and pressed his alarms snooze button again "aiishhhh...itsss myyy dayyy offf..." he spoke groggily.

Soon his alarm went off again, he was fed up with the snooze button. He sat up with messy hair, he rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone, his eyes widened to crazy amounts of notifications "Breaking news Jeon Jungkook New idol?" Was one article, his twitter feed was full of followers, he went from five to fifteen thousand, in just a few hours.

More articles popped up, Jeon Jungkook stealing Kim Taehyungs fame? Jungkook stopped, his every movement just froze. His face drained in color, he never wanted to steel the fame, his goal was to help Taehyung and he got caught in the moment. He gulped and dialed Taehyungs number, it rang for a bit before he heard a small voice

"Hello?" Taehyung asked

"I'm sorry..." the younger spoke

"jungkook? Why?" He asked confused

"The articles, they're saying I'm stealing your fame...I'm so sorry....I-" jungkook spoke beige he was interrupted

"Yah! You little butthole! Don't worry, those articles are basically fake news, they just do it to get money and people angry and start fights, trust me it's just apart of the industry of music and dance, basically anything where you get popular. People create fake news all the time, so don't apologize, you did really good! Like amazing" he spoke

Jungkook couldn't help his blush, he smiled "Thanks!" He spoke happily

"So why did you hide your talents?" Taehyung asked

"It's a long story....I'm gonna meet you at your place we will talk at your room about it" jungkook spoke

"What? why?" Taehyung asked confused "what's so important that it needs to stay secret"

"Id just be more comfortable talking about it in a private place" jungkook spoke

"Wait what is it about?" Taehyung asked

"It's going to be about the day I met Lee Jackson..."


Hey I feel better!

Thank the lord for writing

Again I'm so sorry for the lame short chapter

I forgot to update yesterday because I was super tired...

I feel really bad because I gave you guys a really crappy chapter.

I feel really bad because I gave you guys a really crappy chapter

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Take a look at this doggo

He says he's sorry as well 😂

But I am truly sorry!

I'll make it up to you purples soon

I also realized I respond to your comments with a series of Purple Hearts and crying of laughter faces 😂

See I just did it!

See I just did it!

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Okay I'm bragging...I just wanted to show you Guys and ya know, make it cool.


For those who've read the Quiet One?

I'm thinking about deleting together, and making the Quiet One have a book 2?

Which means I'd delete a few chapter and fix some jazz!


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