Chapter 1

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It's January 18th, and my first day at a new high school. Starting halfway through the school year doesn't affect me. I'm so used to it by now, because my dad has to move around for work so often, so I go to at least two different schools a year. This has been going on ever since I started school in kindergarten. And now I'm a senior.

The bell already rang for first period a few minutes ago, but I'm having way too much trouble finding my English class with Miss Larson. Finally, I do, and stumble through the door.

Every single person in the class turns to look at me like I've killed someone. That's one thing I never get over, when I switch schools.

Miss Larson is a young blonde who looks like she's fresh out of college. I suspect by just looking at her that she's popular with the males in this school. Too bad I like guys.

"Oh, you must be Scott Hoying!" she exclaims, a bit too perkily for my liking. I nod, taking a quick look around the class. Most people have looked away, uninterested, but I notice one pair of chocolate brown eyes is still on me.

"We're so glad for you to join us." Miss Larson's peppy voice breaks my eyes away from the boy. Everything about him is kinda, well, stunning.

"You can sit... Oh, look, you can sit inbetween Miss Maldonado and Mr. Grassi," the blonde teacher motions to a seat right next to that brunette who I now know is "Mr. Grassi".

"Miss Maldonado" is a girl with jet black hair and a few piercings. She seems friendly enough, because she smiles at me when I walk to the back of the room to my seat.

The boy, however, just keeps his eyes on me the whole time. Finally, when I reach my seat, his eyes move up and down my body a couple times, and he bites his lip.

Most of the class I spend trying to pay attention, but it's hard because that damn boy is staring at me the entire time! It would be easier to ignore him if he wasn't so attractive. He has a dark sweater on, black skinny jeans, and black boots. With him staring at me this whole time, I suddenly and oddly feel self-conscious in my own outfit, skinny jeans and my favorite cloud sweater.

When the class ends, I half expect him to say something to me, but instead, he just jumps up and leaves. I find myself staring after him until a girl's voice snaps me out of it.

"Don't waste your time on him." It's that Maldonado girl, the one on the other side of me.

"What?" I ask, playing dumb. I know she caught me staring at him, and probably noticed him staring at me, but I give it a shot.

She tilts her head towards the door and starts walking. "Mitch. Mitch Grassi. Seriously though, he'll sleep with you once and leave. Well, that's what's happened to practically every guy in this school. And you're fresh meat," she explains.

So Mitch is his name. Mitch Grassi.

For some reason, it kind of bothers me that he sleeps with everyone. Like, he isn't impressed with me. But why do I care? I don't even know him.

But the thing is, I've never been so aware of someone at my other schools. But Mitch draws my attention like a moth to a flame.

What has gotten into me?


The girl smiles at me. "So, Scott, huh? I'm Kirstie. You can hang with me for the rest of the day, if you want. I'll show you the ropes," she offers.

I'm extremely grateful for her politeness. Nobody else has so quickly reached out to help or talk to me. I'm liking this school already, believe it or not.

Well, just because a hot boy was staring at me and I already made a kind-of friend.

Kirstie takes a look at my schedule after she grabs it from my hands. "Ah. Mr. Barker? I have him third period. Follow me."

She leads me to the classroom. I'll miss her when I leave this school, but we'll keep in contact. That is, if we stay friends until the end of the school year. Are we even friends now? Not really. All I know is that her name is Kirstie Maldonado.

When we get to Mr. Barker's room, she quickly runs into the opposite direction to get to her next class before the bell rings.

I walk into the room and look at the desks. They're tables, actually, with two chairs at each table. It looks like a science lab, kind of.

Mr. Barker is a middle-aged man with graying hair. He has glasses perched on the top of his nose, and he's sitting back in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk.

"You're that new kid, right? What's your name?" he asks loudly as I walk in. Most of the class is already here, but a few are still missing. They come in and find their seats as I'm still standing in the front of the class.

"Scott Hoying," I mumble.

"What was that? I'm not so young anymore. I can't hear you kids when you mumble," he says.

"Scott Hoying," I repeat, louder.

I see someone move out of the corner of my eye. It's him. Oh, gosh. Sitting alone, at the second table on the left side of the room, is Mitch Grassi.

Am I going to have every class with him?

He bites his lip and smiles a deliciously gorgeous crooked grin at me.

Wait, what?

"Oh, right. Scott. Um, does anyone have an empty seat next to them?" Mr. Barker asks the class, closing his eyes and not bothering to look himself.

"I do."

It takes me a minute to realize that the high voice I hear comes from Mitch. It startles me. I just expected some different voice to come from him. Lower, maybe?

"Great. Scott, go sit next to Mitch. Mitch is that one." Mr. Barker points in the general direction.

The brunette winks at me, while his talking is directed at Mr. Barker. "Oh, he knows."

I feel my face turn absolutely beet red as I take the seat next to Mitch. Never have I had an experience like this.

I try to ignore Mitch the whole class period again, but it's not working. He casually drapes his arm across the back of my chair. He looks at me every so often.

But when the damn period ends, he leaves like nothing happened.

What have I gotten myself into?

A/N: hey guys! Thanks for reading! Should I continue? I have a pretty good idea for the plot and everything, so...

Anyway, thanks and ily!

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