Chapter 11

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When I wake up the next morning, Scott's arms are still wrapped around me, and his body is still pressed up against mine. To be honest, it feels pretty nice. Not that I would ever tell him that.

I kind of feel bad about my little freak-out last night, but Scott caught me off guard when he said what he did. I know he was just kidding, but still. It scared me.

I don't move from our position until I feel Scott start to shift. "Morning," I say quietly, not bothering to roll over yet.

"Oh, shit," comes his reply.

I snort and remove his arms from around me, and slide out of bed. "What's wrong?" I ask him, stretching.

He sits up and rubs his eyes. "My parents are going to be pissed. I was going to go back home before they woke up, so it didn't look like I left..." he trails off, worry on his features. Damn, he worries way too much about what his parents are going to think.

"So? Use your famous excuse." I say, stripping down. I smirk as I watch his eyes follow my every move.

"Um, well," he stutters. I love how nervous I make him. Not any other guys are like that in front of me.

"I can't. I never told them, and... I don't know what to do." He groans, running his fingers through his already messy hair.

I shrug as I button up the shirt I'm wearing. "There's always the truth. Which sounds like the best option for you right now," I suggest.

"Yeah," he sighs. He crosses his legs and pulls out his phone, tapping the screen a few times before putting his up to his ear. I sit down across from him and watch intently.

His mom's voice is so loud that I can hear it from where I'm sitting.

"Scott Richard Hoying, where are you?" she booms.

Richard, huh? I'll have to use that against him sometime.

Scott rushes into a hurried explanation, with an apology laced into every sentence. Basically he said a friend asked him to come over and he did. That's it.

"In the middle of the night, Scott?" his mom shrieks, "Really?"

"I'm so so so sorry, Mom. Really. I wasn't-"

"Who is this friend of yours? Is it Kirstie?" she demands, still talking extremely loud.

"No. It's, uh, a different one. I hung out with him after school yesterday. His name is Mitch," he explains, his face bright red.

"Well, can your father and I at least meet this boy before you go sneaking off in the middle of the night with him?" Scott's mom says, quieter, but I can still hear her.

Scott lets out the breath he'd been holding. "Yeah, sure."

That kind of terrified me. I've never actual met anyone's parents before - well, actually, Kevin's mom, but not anyone's parents who matter.

I mean, it's not like I want to leave a good impression on Scott's parents. I don't care. No, not at all.

Scott finishes up the conversation with his mom and turns to me. "Can you meet my parents after school today? Please? For me?" he asks, quickly.

I bite the inside of my cheek. Today?

"Um." I honestly don't know what to say. It scares the hell out of me, but Scott is looking at me with irresistible puppy dog eyes. And if I don't do this, then we can't spend the night together again, unless Scott sneaks out early. Well, I guess I could always go to his house? But, he would probably say no, because he's so paranoid about his parents-

Wait, wait. I told myself I would be done with Scott after last night. The thing is, he makes it so damn hard with his adorableness and hotness and personality and fucking blue eyes and-

I can't. I can't do it.

But I'll really disappoint him if I don't meet his parents, and how can I do that? Wait - why do I care? Why do I care if I disappoint him or hurt his feelings? I've never cared before, but Scott fucking Hoying just makes me feel.

"Fine," I groan, covering my face with my hands.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he says. I feel his lips on my temple for a split seconds before he gets off the bed.

I drive him to his house, where he runs inside to change and shit, and then we drive to school.

After first period, I dart away before Scott can find me in the hall, and find Travis. "I need you. Now," I hiss.

Travis raises one eyebrow and smirks. "What, is there trouble in paradise?" he asks.

I roll my eyes and pull him into the closest janitor closet. "Shut up." I press my lips to his and start undressing him.


Mitch isn't in second period. I'm kind of worried. Is he still mad at me about last night? He seemed fine about everything this morning, and during first period. Did I do something else wrong?

Lunch arrives and I'm still distracted. I see him at his usual table, with Avi and Kevin and that one kid, Travis. Travis slings his arm around Mitch's shoulders, which sends a shot of jealousy through me.

"Stop staring. He'll notice," Kirstie whispers to me, slapping my hand. I tear my gaze away from them and look at her instead. I already told her about last night. I figured there was no use in hiding it. It's not like anything really happened, anyway.

"He was completely normal this morning, Kirst. Now he's acting all weird and- and Travis," I say, sounding extremely whiney, but not caring, "I thought I could be getting somewhere with him, but..."

Kirstie leans forward and takes my hand in her small one. "By what you said, it sounds like you are, actually. You gotta show him that you're better for him than that douche, and all the others." She tilts her head in Travis's direction, indicating him.

I guess Kirstie has realized she can't alter my feelings about Mitch, because her reaction to my story about last night was way, way calm. Not that I'm complaining.

"Thanks, Kirst." I smile at her and she shoots one back, patting my hand before pulling away.

"So, I think you and Avi would make a cute couple," I say, changing the subject.

A blush spreads across her cheeks. "You think?"

"Yeah." I shoot a glance over at their table. "He totally likes you."

Kirstie shakes her head, her face still red. "No."



"You should tell him how you feel," I suggest.

"You tell Mitch how you feel, and I will."

I glare at her. "Mitch is harder to crack. I've only made a tiny dent. I need time, Kirstie. I don't want to scare him away," I explain.

"Like I did," Kirstie says.

I sigh. But yes, she's right. The corner of her mouth raises up slightly. "I get it. It's fine. But you think he actually likes me?" she asks.

"Yes. He does," I try to convince her. She keeps glancing over to him, like I keep doing to Mitch. I can't help it. Not after holding him all night. Not after teasing him and tickling him and hearing him giggle last night.

I sigh and drop my head into my hand. I have completely and utterly fallen - hard -

for Mitch Grassi.

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