Chapter 8

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Do you want to come over after school?

I get the text from him during my last class. I bite my lip to hide my grin. Why am I so excited? Oh, yeah, because it's Mitch.

Of course, I reply. I then send a text to my parents, letting them know that I'm going to a friends house after school.

After the bell rings, I rush to my locker and gather up my stuff.

"Hey." The familiar voice comes from next to me. I look over, and he's there, leaning against the locker next to mine, his arms crossed.

I let the corner of my mouth lift up in a smile. "Hey."

As soon as I'm ready, he walks off, leaving me to rush after him. I follow him to his house in my car. When we get inside, Mitch immediately throws his stuff aside and pins me against the wall, kissing me. I kiss him back.

"What's going on?" I ask, pulling away. He doesn't answer right away, he just puts a hand behind my neck and connects our lips again. "I need a distraction," he mumbles against my mouth, "and you're my best bet right now."

I pull away again. I told myself I wouldn't do this again with him. Yet here I am, letting him pin me against the wall and kiss me. "Mitch, I can't."

He drops down from his tiptoes. "What do you mean, you can't? You can't what?" he says, with a scowl.

I wave a hand in between the two of us. "This. Whatever this is."

He steps away from me and rolls his eyes. "You should've said so before you fucked me senseless that night."

I sigh. I hate when he says it like that. "No, I mean, it was- I just can't... I'm looking for..." I stutter, shifting from foot to foot and avoiding eye contact with Mitch.

He holds up a hand. "No. I get it. You, goody two shoes Scott, don't want to lie to your parents anymore and you don't want to make Kirstie mad and you want a nice, sweet relationship, right? Where everything's fucking perfect?" There's venom lacing his voice.

I do want a relationship, but with him. He's beautiful, behind the bad boy act where he tries to look tough all the time. I notice things about him that I shouldn't. The way he always fixes his hair, even when it looks fine. His gorgeous brown eyes and perfectly arched eyebrows. His light, graceful movements. The way that he sometimes lets go an adorable giggle when he finds something truly funny, instead of his normal smirk when he finds something amusing. How in class, there's a certain look in his eyes sometimes, when he lets his guard down for a split second. I want him to not just treat me like another toy, but that's exactly what I am to him.

But I can't tell him any of that. Ever.

"I do want a relationship," I admit, but only part of the truth.

Mitch rolls his eyes. I wish he would stop doing that. "Relationships are shit. They don't last, and they hurt. So many people get divorced. That, or something breaks them apart. Love is stupid."

I wonder where his dad is. Did his parents get divorced? Is that the cause of his foul feelings towards relationships, and love?

"Did something happen with your parents?" I ask quietly.

Mitch's expression hardens. So much for my plan. "It doesn't matter," he answers, too quickly, "My parents don't matter. I don't give a shit about them."

Sure, I don't always get along with my parents, but I still love them. Basically, Mitch is saying that he doesn't love anyone in his life.

"Don't you care about anyone?" I query.

He makes a frustrated noise. "No! I just wanted a goddamn distraction, but you're making everything worse! I thought you might help me instead of interrogating me like a fucking therapist. I don't need that."

After a minute of silence, he finally says, "Listen. I can't give you want you want, so if you're not satisfied here, you can leave. I don't want to take about my many problems, I just want you. Your body. Okay?"

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "Okay."

A/N: hey guys! PTX VOL 3 IS AMAZING!!!! I love it ALL! Ahhhh! Plus, I preordered the new Christmas album, so that's gonna be super exciting too!

Thanks for everything! Keep voting, commenting, and doing what you do. Love you! xoxo

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