Chapter 2

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After school, I call my parents to tell them that I'm hanging out with Kirstie. I really want to ask her about Mitch some more.

We go to Starbucks and sit at a little table, sipping our drinks.

"So. Tell me about Mitch some more," I request, leaning forward.

Kirstie rolls her eyes. "Okay, um, he's a douche. What else? Oh, right. He's an asshole. What more is there to tell?" She shrugs.

"What do you have against him?" I ask, curious. Maybe he slept with her? But Kirstie said he goes for guys...

"Nothing," she defends, a bit too quickly. I'm suspicious, but I decide to not push her.

"Okay. So, um, who are your friends?" I ask, an attempt to steer the conversation away from Mitch, although I want to know more about him.

Kirstie smiles nervously. "I really don't have any friends. I'm not good with people," she admits, avoiding eye contact.

"But you talked to me today," I insist. Really, nobody has done that before.

She shrugs. "I got confident because you're new and I thought I could grab you before anyone else," she explains, sipping from her cup.

"Oh. Well, we're friends now, right?" I say, mostly on my behalf because I don't know if this is friendship quite yet.

"Yeah." Kirstie smiles and tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear.

We talk about more things, from teachers to who to watch out for. I watch her carefully as she talks. When she's not too find of someone we're discussing, she tenses and the look in her eyes is cold. But when she does like the person, her look softens. Like when she mentions one of Mitch's friends Avi.

I learn that Mitch hangs out with two specific people: Kevin Olusola and Avi Kaplan. They're both seniors, too.

From Kirstie's explanation, I also learn that they aren't like Mitch. Avi is the quieter of the trio. Kevin may come across as rude, but really he's just a big softie who likes to play the cello.

"Has Mitch been with any girls ever?" I ask casually.

Kirstie's gaze hardens. "Just this one, I think. They fooled around for a while, and then he left her. I mean, that's what I've heard."

"Has he ever been in a relationship?" I question.

"No. He runs away from anyone who could possibly have feelings for him that are more than just physical need," Kirstie replies.

I'm curious to see how the rest of the week will go. To see if Mitch will continue playing with me.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I'll give you my number."

We exchange numbers. She puts her contact name in my phone as "Kirstieee :)".

I leave shortly after that. My parents question me endlessly when I get home. Did I meet nice people? Do I like my teachers? Am I interested in the girl I went out with?

I know it may sound bad, but I haven't exactly came out to my parents yet. Yes, I'm 18. I keep putting it off, but I should do it sometime soon. Maybe now?

"Yeah, about that," I start, after their question about Kirstie, "I'm kind of gay."

They stare at me for a while as I squirm under their gazes. It was totally out of the blue, but at least I got it off my chest.

"Did you meet any guys you're interested in?" Mom corrects her question, and I smile a little to myself.

"Um, not really," I lie.

I mean, Mitch intrigues me, but am I interested? Maybe I just like the attention from him. Even though I know I'm not special and a new toy he can play with.

I won't fall into his trap, though. I won't.

A/N: 10 votes for next chapter?

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