Chapter 13

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The next day is a Wednesday. As soon as I walk into first period, my eyes settle on Mitch. He looks awful. His hair is messed up, not perfectly styled as always, and his eyes keep slowly shutting before snapping open again.

When I sit down, Mitch looks down at his hands. I look over at Kirstie and she gives me a small frown and a shrug. I told her what happened last night after Mitch left. She didn't know what I should do either.

I have no idea how Mitch stays awake all first period, but he does. His eyes just glaze over and he stares straight ahead all hour. And when the bell rings, he doesn't dart out the door like usual. He slowly stands up, gathers his things, and trudges towards the door, dragging out all his movements.

"Mitch," I say, catching up to him, "come with me. Please."

He looks up at me and nods once, which surprises me. I wasn't expecting him to agree after yesterday. I'm not complaining, though.

I'm not sure exactly what to do, considering I wasn't expecting him to agree, so I lead him out of the school to my car. I slide into the driver's seat, and Mitch into the passenger's.

"Where are you taking me?" Mitch asks slowly.

"To my house," I reply. I guess. Both my parents left for work a while ago, and won't be back until around the time I would normally get back from school. We have more than enough time.

"Oh." Mitch slumps down in the seat. I hesitantly reach over and put my hand on his thigh. He doesn't move it.

When we get to my house, I lead Mitch to my room. I sit down on the bed, and he sits down next to me.

"Why are we here?" Mitch asks.

Why are we here? Because I'm in love with him. And I want to talk to him. I need him to know that even though he's scared to love, I can teach him how. I can be his first love, even if it doesn't last. He can let himself love me, because I would never hurt him.

"Tell me about yourself." That's what comes out of my mouth.

"What do you want to know? There's not much to tell," the brunette replies, absent-mindedly picking at his nails.

"Anything." I lie back against the pillows.

Mitch is quiet for a minute before he starts speaking:

"I've never really let myself care about anyone. I somehow convinced myself that I hated everyone, even my own mom. I told myself that I really didn't even like Avi and Kevin's company, and that I just kept them around for the hell of it. Then you came, and you flipped my view of the world around. I suddenly started realizing that I might want a relationship with my mom. That it was nice to have Avi and Kevin. I even started seeing something different in Kirstie." Mitch makes a face. "I saw how she cared about you. A lot. I saw how she didn't want me screwing your life up. I guess that's when I realized how bad of a person I am. I ruined her life. I deserve to hear everything she's ever said to me, and worse. Because it's the truth. But you saw something in me."

"See," I correct him, but he ignores me.

"You saw something in me besides just my body and what I could do for you in bed. I know you did. How? Because of the way you treated me. The way you treat me now. You're gentle. Not just in bed. You don't just spew out hateful things about me like others have done. You actually recognize that I'm a human being with emotions, even though I've kept them locked up for so long. I don't deserve to be treated the way you treat me, and you have to know that, but you do anyway. Like... Like I'm important to you. And I can't look past that no matter how much I try. And I've tried. Hard. In only a short amount of time, I've felt feelings for you that I've never let myself feel for anyone else. Because you tried for me. And I want to try for you."

Mitch takes a deep, shaky breath and looks at me. His hands are trembling.

I lean over and kiss him. Slow but passionate. When I pull away, I stay close to him.

"Mitch. I can teach you how to love. I know you haven't had the best past, or been around the best people, but I can help you. Let yourself be in love with me. You can move away from your past. We can be together, and Kirstie and Kevin and Avi will be there. We're all here for you, Mitch, whether you realize that or not. We all care for you. Just, please. I love you, Mitch."

He looks at me, his chocolate brown eyes meeting my sky blue ones. He opens his mouth, but closes it. He works his mouth, as if trying to say the words, but he can't quite do it.

"It's okay. I won't let you go." I promise.

He sighs and looks down for a second before meeting my eyes again.


It's tough for him, I can tell. He's never experienced this before. But I'm going to be there for him. Always.

"I love you."

The words fall from his lips and he looks at me nervously and expectedly, even though I said it first.

I feel myself smile a stupidly giddy grin. He said it. Mitch Grassi said he loves me. Mitch Grassi, who's spent his whole life wrapped up in a ball of hatred for himself and the people around him, who's gave his body away to so many different people, just said that he loves me. He loves me, Scott Hoying, who's never had one friend let alone a best friend, two soon-to-be closer friends, and a beautiful boy who loves him. Me, who's never stayed in the same place for more than six months. But that'll change. Everything's changing in my life. And in Mitch's. But it's changing for the better, and for each other.

Love is a beautiful thing.

A/N: there's more to come, don't you worry! hehehe, will the happiness last forever? Well, I don't know...

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