Chapter 5

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"Scott Richard Hoying, where were you?" My dad booms as soon as I open the front door to my house. I cringe and answer as quickly as I can.

"I'm so sorry, I fell asleep at Kirstie's house!" I lie.

Mom pinches the bridge of her nose. "We were worried sick, Scott. You weren't answering our calls!"

I pull out my phone and turn it on. 16 missed calls. All from my parents last night. Yikes.

"I'm sorry. I turned off my phone so we wouldn't be interrupted. It won't happen again," I assure them. It seems to work, because they visibly relax.

"It better not," Dad sighs.

When they don't say anything else, I take this as my cue to go, so I hurry up to my room. After I shut the door, I flop back on my bed and see that I have a text from Mitch, only from a minute ago.

Mitch: So did your parents kill you?

I smile a little at his question and reply.

Me: No, I told them that I fell asleep at Kirstie's... And Kirstie doesn't even know that I went to the party...

Mitch: Damn! Lying to your parents AND Kirstie? You're such a naughty boy Scottie ;)

Suddenly something pops in my mind from school.

Me: We have to do that biology paper, you know.

Mitch: Ughh, can't you just do it?

Me: No.

Mitch: I'm just kidding, Blondie. You can come over to my house. My mom is working, so I'm home alone ;)

I ignore the feeling in my chest at that last part in the text, and reply. Why am I agreeing to this?

Me: Cool. I'll be over soon. And by the way, my name's Scott.

Mitch: Oh, I know. I'm surprised you wouldn't realize that I know that after last night...

That makes me blush like crazy.

Me: Just tell me where you live.

Mitch then texts me his address with yet another wink face. I gather what we need and hurry out of the house, hurriedly telling my parents where I'm going.

I find Mitch's house pretty easily. It's not huge like Kevin's, but it's not small either. It's a decent sized two story.

I walk up to the front door cautiously and knock. The door opens immediately, like Mitch was waiting by the door for me. Maybe he was?

"Hey. Long time no see," he teases, "Come on in."

I follow him in. The house is pretty impressive on the inside, too. It's so neat, I feel like I'll disturb the peace by just walking through.

"You can leave your shoes there," Mitch points to a spot by the door, "and follow me. My room is up here." He saunters off towards the staircase. I quickly follow him up the stairs and to the left. He opens the door to his room and tilts his head for me to go in first.

I don't know what I was expecting, honestly. His room is simple. There's really nothing on the walls, and there's no pictures or anything anywhere.

He closes the door behind us and sits down on the bed. "Make yourself comfy."

I sit down in a chair by his desk and turn it around so it's facing the bed. I take out what we need for the assignment and start talking.


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