Chapter 7

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Monday comes, and I still haven't talked to Kirstie or Mitch since the incident on Saturday. I tried texting Kirstie, but she never replied. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything from Mitch; it's not like we're dating or anything. Or ever will.

I already dread what's coming as I walk to first period. When I walk through the door, Kirstie is buried in a book, and Mitch has his feet propped up on his desk, and he's talking to the guy next to him. Travis, I think his name is.

I slide into my seat and glance at each of them. Kirstie doesn't even acknowledge that I'm there, but Mitch looks over and gives me a quick nod before going back to his conversation. I sigh and drop my chin into my hand. This day is going really well so far.

First period drags by terribly slow, and finally it's time for second period. Mitch darts out the door like he always does, except for that one day when he told me to walk with him. Kirstie leaves before I even get the chance to get out of my seat, too.

But when I get to second hour, Mitch isn't there. He skipped. He doesn't want to be with you, a little voice in my head says.

I barely pay attention in any of my classes, and finally lunch comes. Kirstie is already there, in her normal seat across from me, which sends a wave of relief over me.

"Hey," I say quietly as I sit down at the table. She looks up at me. Another good sign.

"Hi." Even better.

I open my mouth and words come pouring out, before I even realize what I'm saying:
"Look, I'm really sorry about lying to you and I know you're worried about me but it's my life and I can do what I want and I really appreciate you being my friend and I don't want to lose that and Mitch really isn't that bad and I'm sorry, okay?" It comes out all in one breath.

Kirstie pushes a strand of her dark hair away from her face and hesitates before replying with a sigh. "I know I overreacted and I was being bitchy this morning. I'm sorry, too, and we won't lose our friendship." She doesn't bring up what I said about Mitch, but I don't push it. I'm just relieved she's speaking to me again.

I smile at her, a bit hesitantly. "So we're okay?"

"We're okay," she confirms.

I look down at the table. I really want to mention Mitch, but I don't want to piss her off again.

"Have you talked to Avi recently?" I ask. I figure that's a safe subject. My thoughts are confirmed when a smile spreads across her face. "Yeah. I got his number and we talked this weekend. He's really sweet." Kirstie clasps her hands together.

"That's great," I tell her, honestly. I'm glad she's happy. I'm even more glad that Avi likes her too, even though she doesn't know.

Kirstie's eyes shift over my shoulder and narrow. "He's looking over here."

I immediately know she's talking about Mitch. Obviously. "He's not that bad," I say quietly, looking down at my hands, "Maybe he's changed, Kirst."

"But he hasn't. That's the thing. He still sleeps around like nothing matters in the world besides sex," she sighs.

"Then why did you sleep with him?" I ask, my tone sharp. I don't mean to sound so harsh, but that's how it comes out.

"I thought the same thing as you. That he wasn't that bad." Her eyes have a glint of sadness. I have to look away from her. It's obvious that he hurt her. I would know that even if she didn't tell me.

I can't allow myself to feel anything for Mitch. I'll end up feeling like Kirstie.

But - does it matter? I'll be leaving this town, this state, by the end of the year. I'll be leaving all of this behind. I can't let myself get attached to someone. Not now. And it's not like Mitch would ever feel that way about me. He clearly let me know that he doesn't date.

But it still stings a little.

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