Chapter 15

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At 11:06 PM, I get a text from Mitch saying, "I'm outside, Rapunzel."

I sneak downstairs and let him in, and then we tiptoe silently off to my room. I shut and lock the door behind us, and then flop back onto the bed next to Mitch.

"Did you, like, tell Kirstie yet? About us?" he asks, putting his hands behind his head.

"No," I respond, "I didn't know how soon you wanted her to know. I did talk to her, though. Things are going well with her and Avi." She said that they'd gone on a date, and it went really well. She's happy, and I'm happy for her.

Mitch scrunches up his nose. "Ugh. Couples."

A look of realization passes over his face. "Wait, no," he says, panicking, "I didn't mean-"

I lean over and kiss him to get him to stop talking. "I get it. It's fine." Technically, they aren't even a couple yet, either. It's obviously going to happen soon, though.

He smiles and pulls away a little, so his mouth is inches from mine. "So are you grounded?" he asks.

I chuckle and press my mouth against his. "Yeah. Until the day before Valentine's Day."

Mitch lays his head on my chest. "What do people do for Valentine's Day, anyway?" he asks, tracing patterns on my stomach, making me shiver.

"Go out, I guess. Go to dinner. I was thinking we could just spend the day together?" I suggest.

"I'd like that," he responds quietly. I let my mind drift off to the end of our senior year. What will happen? I can't leave him, but I really want to go to college. Wait - where will my parents go? Will they stay here, or will they move? Will I have to move with them? Oh God, I really, really hope not. I'm not going to think about that now, though. It's only January. We have a few months.

"I'm tired," Mitch yawns, nuzzling his head into my neck. I wrap my arm around him. "Then go to sleep," I reply.

"Okay. 'Night, Scottie."

I smile at the memory of our most recent night spent together.

"'Night, Mitchie. I love you," I add at the end, wanting to hear him say it back.

His voice is laced with sleep and muffled, but I catch his response: "Love you too."


I wake up early the next morning before Scott so I can leave. I kiss his forehead and write out a note before I sneak out of his house. As soon as I start the drive to my house, I miss him. It's weird. So this is love? I kind of like it, I guess.

A couple hours after I get home, it's time to go to school. Wait- are we going to be one of those couples like at school? They hold hands in the hallways and shit. They also make out in the halls, but I don't think Scott is into that.

I drive to school and hurry to gather my things so I can meet Scott at his locker. When I get there, Kirstie's there, too. She's talking to Scott, but her eyes drift over to me and she makes a face. I flip her off in return, but I don't really mean it. I'm kind of teasing her.

Scott turns around and smiles when he sees me. "Hey." He kisses my forehead.

Kirstie raises one eyebrow at me. "So, Scott told me the news about you two," she informs me.

"Yeah, so now you're going to have to put up with me," I retort, earning a groan from the girl. Scott smiles and rolls his eyes at his, setting his arm across my shoulders.

My reflex is to step away, but I don't. I'm going to have to get used to this couple-y stuff sooner or later, and I guess sooner is better.

We walk into first period and I feel literally everyone's eyes on Scott and I. When I sit down, Travis leans over and whispers, "What's going on with you and the blonde one?"

"We're together." I state, crossing my arms and leaning back in my seat. It shouldn't be a secret.

Travis raises an eyebrow. "Hm. Cool. Good for you, man."

I can't help but smile a little. "Thanks."

Travis isn't really that bad. He was rough with me, but not as rough as others. He also never harassed me as others did, so I talk to him every now and then.

Class starts, but I can't help but glance over at Scott every once and a while. He has one leg crossed over the other, and he's slumped down in his seat. I let my eyes travel over him, but not in a sexual way. I'm merely observing him.

He ends up looking over and meeting my eyes. He lifts one eyebrow as if to say, "What are you doing?"

I smile sheepishly and shrug. "You're cute," I mouth.

He fights a smile, and I'm rewarded with a blush.

Kirstie catches my eye from on the other side of Scott and fakes vomiting. I exaggerate an eye roll and mouth, "Fuck. You."

She sticks out her tongue and turns her eyes back to the teacher, but I catch her smiling. Are we starting to get along? Hm. I guess Kirstie really isn't that bad.

My classes without Scott, Kirstie, Avi, or Kevin pass agonizingly slow. Finally we reach the end of the school day. I meet Scott at his locker. "Hey," I greet him.

He smiles over at me. "Hey."

We walk out to the parking lot in comfortable silence. Across the parking lot, I see an interesting sight. By Avi's car, he and Kirstie are making out. "Get a room!" I yell.

They jump apart, and look in our direction. "Dammit, Mitch!" Avi shouts back, "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

I laugh to myself. Scott smiles at me and reaches over to take my hand. It still startles me a little, but it feels nice.

"So you two are a thing?" I ask Avi when we reach our cars. Kirstie scratches the back of her head and Avi clears his throat. "Well, not... officially?"

I snort and leave them to do whatever they need to do. I turn to Scott and lift myself up on my tiptoes to kiss him. "I wish we could hang out," he mutters against my lips.

"Yeah," I agree, dropping back down, "I could come over again maybe?"

He nods. "Yeah. That sounds great."

He leans down to kiss me again. This kiss gets a little more heated, though. I wrap my fingers around his arm and pull him closer.

"Who needs to get a room now?" I hear Avi mutter from a few cars over. Without breaking away from Scott, I lift my middle finger in the air.

Scott pulls away first. "I'll call you, okay?"

"Okay," I reply.

He kisses my forehead and gets into his car. I watch him drive away.

When I turn around, Avi and Kirstie are still there.

"Do you need something?" I ask sassily.

Avi smirks at me. "You are so whipped, man."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Then I get in my own car and drive away.

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