Chapter 10

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Later, I check the time. 11:00. My parents have been asleep for almost an hour. I think it's a good time to sneak out to Mitch's, now.

I plan to leave early tomorrow morning and sneak back home, so it looks like I was at home all night.

I tiptoe through the house to the front door. I hold my breath as I open it very, very slowly. Luckily it doesn't make any noise. I close it gently behind me and start off for Mitch's house. I decided to walk, because it's really not that far, and the risk of my parents hearing the car start isn't there.

I finally arrive at Mitch's house, and I stand at the front door, unsure of what to do. So I send him a text:

Me: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair? I'm outside your front door.

Mitch: You're such a dork.

The front door clicks open within seconds, and Mitch ushers me inside. "Sh. Go up to my room." He presses his hands against my back, pushing lightly so I start walking. He stays close behind me as I go up the stairs and into his room; he closes the door behind us and flops back onto his bed.

I stand there awkwardly, until Mitch grabs my hand and pulls me next to him.

"Why'd you invite me over? Didn't get enough of me earlier?" I tease him, gently moving some of his hair away from his face. He moves away from my touch, which causes a pang of disappointment in my chest.

Mitch chuckles. "Don't get too full of yourself there, Blondie. I don't really know why I invited you over, though," he admits, sitting up and resting his legs over mine.

"Maybe you like my company?" I suggest, also sitting up and leaning over, to kiss right behind his ear.

He shoves my chest playfully. "No, it couldn't be that. You're kind of annoying." His nose scrunches up adorably as he smiles.

"Oh, really, now? I'm the annoying one?" I dip down to place a kiss on his neck.


I really like this, just teasing each other. I like how Mitch shows off his playful side for me. It makes me feel... I don't know, a little important, I guess?

Mitch briefly kisses me, and then falls back onto the bed. I lay right next to him, and poke his side. He lets out an adorable little squeak.

"Are you ticklish?" I ask him. He attempts to glare at me, and he shakes his head, but I know he's lying.

I roll over so I'm hovering over him, and move my hands to his sides.

"Scottt," Mitch whines.

I smile at him and start tickling him. His head falls back as he lets out little giggles and shrieks. "Scott!" he exclaims, thrashing under me. I finally let him go, and roll back over. He catches his breath and playfully glares at me. "You bastard."

"You know you love me," I reply teasingly, leaning over to kiss him.

A sudden look of shock passes over his face, and he pushes me away, and jumps off the bed. I get off the bed, too, and get to him before he reaches the door.

I catch his wrist and turn him around to face me. "Mitch, what-"

"Don't say that. Don't ever say that ever again, understand?" he says in a hissed whisper.

"What?" I ask, genuinely confused. I didn't mean to make him upset.

"You know." He closes his eyes, and suddenly it occurs to me. Kirstie said that when she told him her feelings about him, he ran away from it.

He's scared to love, isn't he? He's scared of anything pertaining to it. That's why he hooks up with any guy. Because its just emotionless.

"I'm sorry," I say, putting my fingertips under his chin and lifting it up so he can look at me. "I'm sorry I said that."

His gaze is ice cold. "It doesn't matter." He yanks his arm away from my grasp and goes back to the bed, lying down on his left side and closing his eyes. "Goodnight."

I groan to myself. I shouldn't have said that.

I climb on the other side of the bed and scoot over until my chest is pressed entirely against his back. "What're you doing?" he grumbles.

"Nothing," I whisper, sliding my arms around his body.

To my surprise, he doesn't move away. I gently kiss the back of his head. "Goodnight, Mitchie."

"'Night, Scottie."

Teach You How *Scömìche*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora