Chapter 12

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After school, I wait for Mitch by my locker. Finally he comes. "Ready?" I ask him, completely aware of my hard tone. I don't want to be hard with him, but what the hell was today? Spend all the night with me, then dump me to the side for Travis?

He looks at me cautiously, and he seems to get that I'm pissed, because he doesn't offer any kind of sarcastic comment.

He quietly follows me out to the parking lot and we get in his car. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly, on the way to my house. In this moment, he's so timid, it's weird.

"No," I retort, not giving any further explanation, but he doesn't push it.

We arrive at my house, and he follows me inside. My parents are sitting in the living room, but they both jump up when they hear the door open and close.

"Scott! Hello! And you must be Mitch, it's so nice to meet you, we've actually never met any of Scott's friends before, so-"

"Mom," I warn, giving her a slight shake of my head. I know that this whole idea of meeting my parents made Mitch nervous, and right now he looks overwhelmed.

"Oh, sorry." She glances between the two of us. "Go ahead and sit down."

I grab Mitch's wrist to lead him to the couch, but he slides his hand up and intertwines his fingers with mine.

"So, Mitch," Dad says, "what do you like to do?"

Mitch says a few things about himself, keeping it really vague. I guess I get it. This is new to him.

"Are you two... together?" Mom finally asks. Mitch's eyes widen and he yanks his hand away from mine.

"No. No, we, I mean, we've, no," I stammer, "we're just friends."

"Strictly friends," Mitch agrees, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Oh, okay. I was just wondering." Mom raises a brow at me, but I shake my head and mouth, "I'll tell you later."

"We're going to go up to my room now. Bye." I grab Mitch's wrist and lead him to the room, where I close and lock the door behind us. I'm still mad at him for today, and seeing his reaction to my moms last question kind of stung. But why? I shouldn't have ever expected anything from him. Anything more than what we already have.

Mitch sits down on the edge of my bed and looks up at me. "You're mad at me. Why?" he asks quietly. The mood has completely shifted. He's back to being quiet and timid like he was earlier.

I close my eyes and lean back against the door. I hesitate for a few minutes before answering: "Because you didn't even acknowledge me during class today. And you weren't even in second period."

He stares up at me with those wide, chocolate brown eyes of his. "That's it? You're mad because I didn't acknowledge you? This morning wasn't enough?" he questions.

I breath out slowly. "Because of this morning. And last night. You acted like you wanted to-to be around me, but today you just ignored me. Why, Mitch? Why?" I retort, crossing my arms over my chest.

Mitch bites his lip. "I have a life outside of you, Scott. It's not like we're dating or anything." 'Dating' has a slight amount of venom when he says it.

"I know." I sigh, looking away from his gaze. I know, I really do. But it still hurts. Why did I ever let myself fall for this gorgeous, annoying boy?

Mitch sighs, too. "I fucked Travis."

That catches my attention. "What?" I ask, not knowing if I heard him right.

He groans in exasperation at having to repeat himself. "I fucked Travis. In the janitor's closet. That's why I wasn't in second period."

I don't know why, but that makes my blood boil. I know he's been with so many other guys before me, but... I never thought about it before. I want to be the only one to touch him that way anymore.

I clear my throat. This newfound information only made my pissy mood worse, but... "Oh," is the only thing I say.

"Oh? That's it?" Mitch asks. He was expecting a different reaction, I know it.

"Yeah. Why'd you do it?" I query, studying him.

He sighs and sets his head in his hands. "I needed to get away from you. Looks like that didn't work, though, right?" He looks back up at me, an angry glint in his eyes.

That kind of stings. To get away from me? Why?

"Oh. Um. You-" I stammer, suddenly nervous and hurt.

"Why?" I finally manage to get out. Wow, I've been asking that a lot so far tonight.

Mitch stands up. "I need to leave. I need to get out of here." He tries to get past me, but I move over a couple of inches so my back is covering the door handle.

"Not until you answer my question. What did I ever do you to? Why are you so afraid to let your feelings show?" The questions come out in a rush before I can really think about it.

"I'm not afraid. I just-" Mitch makes an angry noise and steps away from me. "I needed to fuck Travis to see if I felt the same way about others that I feel for you, but it didn't work! I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not falling for you, but you're not helping!" he yells.

I stare at him in disbelief. He's falling for me? Mitch Grassi is falling for me?

"Mitch..." I don't know what to say. That I feel the same way? But before I can reply, he continues his rant:

"You wanna know my problem? Huh? My dad was a fucking drunk and he treated me and my mom like shit, especially when I came out. He called me worthless, pathetic, a mistake, you name it. They got divorced, and it was my fault! Love never fucking lasts, so that's why I'm scared to love anyone! Yeah, I said it, Scott. I'm terrified that I'm falling in love with you. Because I know one of us would get hurt. And that's why I need to go home right now." Tears are streaming down his cheeks. I resist the urge to reach out and hug him, because that would only make him more angry.

So instead, I lead him out of the house and watch him drive away.

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