Chapter 9

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I hate it.

I hate it all.

I hate how aware of him I am, more aware than I've ever been of anyone before. I hate that I notice the small things, like how his heart beat speeds up when I kiss his neck, or how his cologne smells, or the way his hands are always cold. Or how when he smiles, his nose crinkles, and it's kind of cute. I guess.

I've never felt so many emotions towards someone before. It's usually either lust or hate. Sometimes both.

But with Scott, earlier, when we were- well, when I was yelling at him, I wasn't thinking, oh, I hate him. I was just so angry. Angry at him for being so attractive and sweet and careful with me. But also, angry at myself for not deserving him in my life.

All in all, Scott Hoying with his good looks and good personality grates on my nerves so much.

I decide that I lay beside him on the bed, neither of us touching, both of us just staring the ceiling silently.

I can't let myself actually feel anything for him though. I need to get away from this, whatever this is that draws me to him. Maybe I'm just going through something? Maybe I'm sick? Maybe it's not Scott that's making me feel this way?

When I look over, he's gone. I pull on my jeans, not bothering to put on underwear first, and walk down the hall. He's probably just in the bathroom or something.

I go down to the living room and sit on the couch, and turn on the TV. 'Frozen' is on, but I change the channel before Scott comes back. I have a liking towards Disney movies, because who doesn't? but I can't let Scott know that.

He comes down the stairs at that moments, just in his boxers. I take a minute to admire his body. The way he carries himself, it's like he's not confident. Like he doesn't want anyone to look at him.

Scott carefully sits down next to me. I scoot a bit closer to him so that our arms are pressed together. I have the need to be close to him. But not always in the sexual way. It's weird.

He draws little patterns on my thigh, and I keep my eyes on his fingers, not at all paying attention to the movie.

"Do you want to stay tonight?" The question leaves my lips without my mind totally processing it first. I don't want him to leave. He's different than other guys. We would fuck and then they would leave, and I was perfectly fine with that. It didn't bother me. But I, weirdly, enjoy this, us just sitting together and him letting his fingers trail over my leg.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. My parents would kill me," he says, sighing. I can tell he wants to. It's just that his good boy side is fighting him.

"If they found out," I point out, "They don't need to know."

Scott shifts and tries to take my hand in his. I jerk away quickly and ignore the look in his eyes at my reaction.

"They would know if I don't come home tonight."

"So?" I shrug. "You can go home and sneak out, back here. Only if you want to," I add at the end.

"I've never snuck out before."

"Oh. Right. You just give really bad excuses, like that you're studying at Kirstie's house, right?" I tease him, bumping his shoulder with mine.

A smile spreads across his lips and his cheeks turn a light red. "Yep. That's what I do."

A minute or two of silence passes before he speaks again. "I guess I could. Is that okay with your mom?" he asks.

"Yeah. She doesn't care," I lie. She does care, actually, about what I do. She's told me on a couple occasions to be careful about what I do, but of course, I don't listen. I don't need people looking after me. I can handle myself. I'm 17 for gosh sake.

I have no idea why I'm asking Scott to stay the night with me, when really I should be getting away from him. You know what, tonight will be my last night with him. I'll go to Travis and clear my mind of Scott.

I'm only here for the sex, I remind myself, nothing more.

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